ASAC Schrader

Ilana has a pair of tits hanging on her wall.

Right on cue.

Oh man, I'm just giddy at the thought of all the butthurt MRA stuff that's going to be coming out in the next few days.

"Big Elevator" got the most inexplicably loud guffaw from me.

Fresh Off The Boat is just wholly unrealistic. The kids were wearing shoes in the house.

B fucking plus??? That was a god damn masterpiece.

I feel like I completely missed something with that ending…

I typed in "how is margaret" into google, and the first autofill was "how is margaret shortened to peggy"

I'm loving these references to the future.


Annnd I'm crying. Crying is only acceptable at funerals and the grand canyon.

I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy Adam's "Transformers" more than Michael Bay's.

Am I the only one who doesn't like Dre as the "protagonist" of the show? He's just way too unlikable. This review nailed in the first sentence, referring to the "obsessive, overzealous, obnoxious but ultimately well-meaning aspect of Andre’s personality," but I feel like his negative characteristics are just too

A B??? Jesus fucking Christ, that was AWFUL.

Fucking Duck…

Blasting "Faith" on repeat is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine.

So, is pewdiepie too stupid to realize South Park thinks he's a fucking idiot, or am I forced to admit he is at least somewhat self-aware?

Cliche and predictable, but still managed to be funny and endearing. Nice to see Allison Tolman getting some work, too.

A+ for the fucking most 80s song ever in that aerobics sketch, definitely one of their best sketches of all time. Here's the actual video they were parodying: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Homeland is actually good again though (not like season 1, but still).