
Duuuuddddeeee (Draws a dick on Franklins forehead before also passing out)

I wonder how much Santorum would be produced during the Purge

Has there ever been a movie called Porn?

Wanna watch with?

The Rapist is that a Duggar production?

I'd fit right in (turns and mugs to the camera)

Holding office? I thought it was just to live there.

I don't think I've ever seen an Ethan Hawke film, but i may be insane

I could see Cruz being a biter like if he was ever in a fight

I can easily picture her stomping down the street stabbing people in the neck and never breaking stride.

But would he fuck his son? Also never knew he had a son

"Look at these balls young man….look at them….i could strangle you with these danglers."

I think Trump would be the loud mouth he always is and get off'd quick

Also which politician currently running for president would you think do best in the Purge?

Haven't seen any of these. Should i?

Del can probably stand up for himself tbh. He's a rapper with Homo in his name, he's gotta be pretty tough.

Pen pals. They'll only bring you failure and shame. Fuck you Toby!

Deadpool 2:Insert lame joke title here

Deadpool 2: This is Fun

Deadpool 2 inches and growing