
Yeah and i was annoyed because there was an ad where she talked about how what she was doing was completely new and the future. Its like no its not you did a medley, people have been doing those as long as there has been songs. Get your head out of your ass. I don't know why it pissed me off.

Yeah, I love the music but i would never wanna be a Ramone even if Lemmy wrote a badass song about you.

One thing a lot of people seem to miss with Johnny is that he used Barre chords a lot. People seem to assume its just power chords and then wonder why something is missing. I could also be full of shit. Who knows.

"Quick doctor grab the vibrator!:

Self loathing is just an awful feeling. The last few days i've been wondering if when i died twice at the age 4 if it was natures attempt at a mercy killing.

Yeah possibly not. I've never been busted so i can travel even tho once i was almost not allowed back into Canada because they thought my Grandparents had stole me or something. It was weird. There should be some AV parties. I bet they would be very awkward but maybe fun.

If you are ever in Eastern Canada hit me up. Or anyone else on here I've been isolating my self lately and should probably not.

Tbh you're one of the people on here that i think it would be cool to meet in person.

Oh, Puerto Rican. Every time you typed PR i thought Public Relations like they worked at a PR Firm. Now it kinda makes more sense.

Your methy uncle has a lot of things you don't know about. (Winks)

I'd watch

Thank you. I don't know what that has to do with Ricky and Stephan.

Why is Ricky everywhere? Why! Why! Why! (Stomps feet and rolls on floor while crying) Stephen (Murmers to self) (falls asleep)

Cruz fights dirty. Cruz fights to win.

Young graves get the bouquets

Shame filled?

To be far everyday is probably Purge day to dogs.

Hey, i have a useless Business Degree thank you very much

I never said what i was wearing when i passed out…. or not wearing (winks)

I just googled it and got fired.