Pride and Prejudice and Deadpool
Deadpool 2: Really you want another one? Ok here you go
Depending on sick. If i'm sick sick i hate everything through the morning then nap all afternoon then feel better. If i'm recovering from something the pain killers and nintendo. Also congrats on the being sober. I have a friend that's been struggling with a codeine addiction but has been off them for the last while.…
He's a celebrity or writes about them. Something like that
I'll go 2 tens and no more. Maybe 4 fives
Also props on the stamina of i'm assuming an hour of smashing
I'd say at least a twenty
Your story or the news one?
He's a Star now or a Wipe. He's something
I said what i said Mr. Chippendale, good day! (Walks out of room before anyone notices his mistake)((Is unaware of fly being down))
Sorry to hear. Hope you recover soon.
You have to use a condom? This is bunk
Include excessive use of N word, see Jesus is my N word for example
It can be two things?
Everyday of my life. I wanna fit in with all you pig face guys
Corruption in my politics feels better then dick licks.
Seagull guy and Russia made me think of Anton Chekhov. Now i know what i might do tomorrow
I always kill the queen pussy…. with ma dick! (Goes for High Five)
I think I've managed to miss something i might have rather have not missed.