
Fisher feels like she's on a different show, even when she's in the same room as the main cast.

I really liked the little world-building stuff on the periphery of the main story. The grunts, the cheerfully deranged computer, the Morpheus machines, etc… I even thought the found-footage conceit was a fun diversion for the show. But, uh… eye-booger monsters, huh?

Yeah, dude, everybody else is living in a dream world, but you're awake, man. Have a nice night.

Or it could be that group of enthusiastic mass-murderers who already said they did it.

As mentioned (and ignored, apparently), anybody from ISIS could make an on-record call and deny it. These guys aren't known for being shy.

I really just want to say fuck these motherfuckers who keep doing this shit. "This shit" being murder, and "these motherfuckers" being anyone who murders. As if that's going to help anything. Fuck.

It would be extraordinary if, after 19 seasons, South Park suddenly wasn't against PC culture. SP has always been about roasting sacred cows, from every ideological direction, usually just for the sake of doing it. Having said that, this episode tread surprisingly lightly around… whatever its targets were supposed to

"Suffer Little Children." I know (now) how twisted it is, but it's fucking beautiful. "Frankly Mr. Shankly" gets an honorable mention for my favorite lyrics:

I didn't catch a single reference (besides maybe knowing who Shakespeare was) and still loved this song. All I knew was that, some time in the '80s, there was some guy from England who was as insufferably depressed and awkward as I was.

I'm doing like a gazillionth playthrough of Medieval 2: Total War, this time as the Turks. Fallout 4 is going to have to wait until I've handled the Timurids and their elephants with frickin' cannons on their heads.

The illegal immigration issue is such a weird mess of contradictions in American politics. Living in a border state, I've met a few conservative small business owners who are loudly against illegal immigration, who also hire illegal immigrants. They could survive paying a fair wage but, hey, profit. I sometimes think

I'd like to be a fly on the wall for some of Ozgoodses conversations. "Hey, remember that time you turned a whole New Mexico town into dust bunnies?"

It can't be long before NBC cuts out the middleman and just starts airing actual trainwrecks for ratings.

I think it's supposed to be like a status symbol.

Is there a pop-culture family that's outwardly normal, but is actually a toxic cauldron of emotional repression and petty resentments? Either that or the family from ALF.

Ok, but mummy curses are still a real thing.

You're assuming Alderaan wasn't an inside job. We've only seen one side of the story — the rebel alliance side of the story. FACT: The Death Star is supposedly an advanced weapon capable of destroying planets, but a single X-Wing, piloted by a moisture farmer whose only flight experience is bullseye-ing womp rats,

There are serious questions about the rebel administration. Leia Organa claims she was born on Alderaan, but where's the birth certificate?

Tom Selleck's avocados aren't going to grow themselves.

He was a much better player than you remember, although his career was derailed by injuries. Lighting first step, great leaping ability, great passer, great finisher. Apparently not a great guy, unfortunately.