
The acting in these films is also often second-rate. It's like they're making these porn parodies as a flimsy pretext for the sex scenes, instead being more concerned with the craft of filmmaking in the existential sense. I'm very frustrated at the limited options I have when I want to watch something with some

I'm not proud of this, but I caught up with American Horror Story: Hotel because of that newswire about Max Greenfield getting sodomized by a drill. I had to know how that even happens. I haven't watched since Asylum, which I still don't know if I liked, and I'm in exactly the same place of being stupefied and

Fury Road is indeed ridiculous and awesome, and I want to see a prequel movie about pyrotechnic guitar slave.

-Capaldi does a ton of monologue tonight and sells every ounce of it. The "speaking baby" thing could have been so much schmaltzier than it was. I thought Capaldi saved it with his lyrical delivery.

I have yet to meet a guy who likes fake boobs, or at least admits to it.

There were so many great portmanbros tonight.

I know Liv's new roomie is evil and all, but she seems like she would be fun to hang out with.

Can't you two just get along? You're tearing us apart!

Here's a link to the highest-paid actors/actresses from 2015, if anyone's interested:

They have names that would be European-sounding to Japanese people. And European-sounding to English-speakers, I guess, but it's just like when English-speakers try to make up Asian-sounding names, some of them don't sound quite natural.

Yeah, I think you're right now that I think about it. It's just that when certain people say it in certain situations, it only means one thing.

You absolutely can and should abandon him. Everybody's different, but I've been through almost the exact same scenario you're describing and being besties with my ex just made me feel even lonelier. I didn't even realize exactly how miserable it was making me having this nightly reminder of better times.

It's something old racist people say when they want people to think they're not that racist. You don't really hear it anymore. It's kind of encouraging that a couple different people didn't even recognize it as a saying.

-Killing off the captain in the first five minutes was an effective way to sew some chaos right off the bat. The show quickly establishes the captain's competence and gravitas, then, kaput, he's dead in a literal flash.

Don't like what you don't like, but what do you find bad about the writing? There's a great big softball for you, swing away.

California, huh? Ok.

I think if people would stop worrying about canon and other nerd bullshit and just take it as a self-contained series, they'd appreciate the show more.

Jerome is a note-for-note Jack Nicholson impersonation. Ledger was really good as the joker, too, though.

I think part of it is that the culture is more media-saturated than it's ever been. It's not really more intense (I distinctly remember people people being obnoxiously into the 60's, which only got worse after Forrest Gump), just more ubiquitous. Basically, give it twenty years and people are going to be complaining

This episode was just goofy, insane, and brilliant. South Park distilled to its purest elements: two extremes losing their damn minds. Just a classic episode. Also, the made-up Canadian culture keeps getting funnier.