
They've done a lot worse.

Fun, tense episode with a nice black sense of humor. I don't think it really works as well at social commentary as it thinks it does. It's easy to knock down strawmen. It's not even much of strawman, come to think of it. Replace "the corporation" with "the politburo," and what the ep is depicting is a classic

I don't think "spacebugs that turn people into wood, except some people they turn into wood-people" are going to be one of the better DW monsters.

I know I shouldn't expect any better from Warner, but trying to hold on to the rights to Happy Birthday so aggressively just seems mean-spirited.

I'm watching the long take from True Detective and trying to imagine it with cuts. Just a first impression, I think the lack of cuts helps to flesh out the location. I don't know if I'd have the same grasp on the layout of the house and the street if it were cutting from the action in one room to the next. I think it

Just six more month of this shit, then we can all go back to forgetting Trump exists.

Calling these "faith-based" movies always seems a little ironic, considering the point of all them is, "you don't need faith, you can totally prove God is real."

Some people think The Spice Girls represented a new low in glib commercialism in the music industry, but I think they're missing the substance underlying The Spice Girls' performances. They not only conveyed a positive message to teens to be themselves and to own their identities, they did it to danceable beats with

Meanwhile, Apple's chatbot experiment won't shut up about holistic medicine and veganism.

This reminds me of whenever I run into someone outside a convenience store asking for 5 bucks for gas. I know he's just going to spend it on beer, and if he'd be honest about it I'd probably give him the money.

Learning about her as a kid was probably my first, "ohhh, that's what that song is about" moment. Thanks, Holly, for introducing some much-needed weird into the my whitebread suburban childhood.

Shows that deal with immortality don't always do a great job of selling the burden of it, or making the case for how natural death can be preferable. Probably because there isn't' really a good case to be made. I thought Ashildur's conversation with the Doctor at the end of the universe was as good an attempt as I've

Agreed, Billy/Dee are adorable. Can't wait to see how things turn out for those crazy kids!

Compare life 1000 years ago to life today. Compare life 100 years ago to life today. Compare life 50 years ago to life today. My friend, there is hope.

The lady on the left is cracking me up. "Yeah, that's right, I sat on the Nazi side."

The Pfeffermans are an unhappy family; the show explores how they ended up that way and how it affects the characters individually. If that sort of thing appeals to you, it's a very good show.

She's like a great wrestling heel, her fans love her and everyone else loves to hate her. Either way, people pay attention.

If you're into "every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"-type stories, it's one of the best.

Yeah. his reactions to his housemates, "and then we'll crush some puss," were genuinely disappointed (and pretty funny). It's weird seeing the reviewer keep trying to rationalize that South Park isn't really making fun of the new wave of PC.

The key difference, to me, between the the prequels and original recipe star wars is that eps. 4-6 are stories about people (and droids, and some other stuff) set against the backdrop of a galactic war. Eps. 1-3 is a story about a galactic war that just happens to have some people (and droids, and some other stuff)