
"Cum" always looks really juvenile on the page, like something you should only find on the walls of a junior high bathroom. OTOH, "come" as a noun is weirdly formal and almost Victorian, considering the topic in discussion.

Hey, some people don't like gangster rap because it's a callow, materialistic fetishization of poverty.

The problem was never Gotham taking itself too seriously, it was the reviewers taking the show too seriously. Gotham was always high-camp with a streak of gallows humor. The fun stops cold whenever lil Bruce Wayne shows up, but other than that it's a fun show with just enough self-awareness to make its loopier

I'd like to thank the AVClub, whoever wrote the transcript for the New York Times, Clippy the Office Paperclip, and all the little people who made this momentous honor possible.

"‘In my mind, I see a line. And over that line, I see green fields and
lovely flowers and beautiful white women with their arms stretched out
to me, over that line. But I can’t seem to get there no how. I can’t
seem to get over that line.’

edit: nevermind. I'm not sure what the netiquette is on posting a link to it. If you're inclined to google a bit, though, there are some fascinating articles on the events it was based on.

Of course we knew it was an act. Half the fun was watching some too-smart-by-half baddy get taken down a notch after underestimating Columbo.

We're working on it, but first we have to figure out how to date Natalie Dormer.

I think this episode was a little more nuanced than it's probably going to get credit for. It made fun of the kind of people who are the most aggressive monitors of political correctness — in a fair cop, that would be white college dudes — without really criticizing the need for some measure of political correctness.

I wanted to grow up to be the Kwisatz Haderach after seeing Sean Young in Dune.

Honestly, it just sounds like she's acting like a perfectly normal person coming off a bad relationship and getting back on the horse. Watch some movies with her, have fun, don't put pressure on it. If she does end up killing you, though, big time "my bad" in advance.

I don't know about The Player, but I would watch Wesley Snipes in a story about the rise and fall of supercriminal Simon Phoenix.

I think it's more of a budget issue for the CW than a story issue, but yeah, you're right.

Blindside just looks like some executive at NBC watched The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo on Netflix and completely misunderstood the premise.

I still love the "Red means stop, yellow means go very fast" joke.

Listened to the new Beach House, Depression Cherry. I liked it, but it seemed a little… I don't know… listless? It was like they told someone, "write an album that sounds like Beach House and we'll perform it." There aren't any of the popping hooks or trippy synth-explorations of their previous albums. It's good, It's

"…there are some shots that are Kubrick as all get-out."

I don't think the negative PR ever outweighs the dollars signs. It could even be an asset. He's kind of like a convenient lightning rod for the owners. As long as the media's more focused on the narrative of Goodell's buffoonish-ness than the owner's shadiness, they don't have any complaints.

Yeah, I can see how that would suck. Not for nothing, thanks for keeping us commenters in mind.

I am a dumbass. I skimmed the comment and was really impressed by the first paragraph. The second… yeesh, that was a bit aggro, Teti.