
You might want to wait for an opportunity when their expectations are a little lower.

In honor of our greatest Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, I'll be getting shitfaced and giving gonorrhea to a french prostitute.

That is some impressive fanwankery. All this legalized marijuana is really starting to pay off.

Jack casual spinning that wheel as he goes after Hannibal was so badass. Also, The Thieving Magpie! I really wanted Jack to yell, "Come and get one in the yarbles, if you've got any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou!"

Jack casual spinning that wheel as he goes after Hannibal was so badass. Also, The Thieving Magpie! I really wanted Jack to yell, "Come and get one in the yarbles, if you've got any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou!"

Putting this here, since it's anime-related. I wouldn't call it my Absolute Favorite Piece of Media So Far This Year, but I really liked Parasyte - The Maxim -

"There is no Seattle, Theresa. It's the year 4028 and the rest of humanity has been wiped out by mutants."

They teach the Bristol Palin Abstinence Education Program at WP High.

It's the ghost of someone who had a stroke in the middle of giving a blowjob.

I think it has Bell's palsy.

No, I got your point. I'm not making some sweeping generalization about transgender people. I'm saying that this one character, Tony, should be more naturally masculine than Maslany manages for the character to work, like artistically. Does that make sense? I don't buy the character, as written, as someone who is

Yeah, pretty much. When every example of something I've ever seen looks one way, then something else comes along and it looks a different way, I pick up on the difference and the second thing seems inauthentic.

That rumor is kinda more embarrassing for her than for Coulier at this point.

It's hard to say exactly what I meant. She's very feminine. Her hyper-masculine posturing in the episode emphasizes that fact more than anything. All the transgender men I've ever seen (I don't think I've ever met one) are very practiced at projecting masculinity (not to mention they've had hormone

It's a nice day outside, Internet. Why don't you go outside and play with some of the other kids?

Was he 30? Was she a monkey's uncle? Damnit, now I have to read it.

I'd like to see Krystal figure it out for herself, just because that girl needs a win.

There can only be one.

Krystal was great. Felix's little pep talk to her is one of my favorite quiet moments of the the show. Poor Krystal, though. I hope they bought her a cab ride home from the coma.

Don't get me wrong. I still enjoyed the performance. I think it was doomed from the start, though. She doesn't have the right physical presence. Also, her hair is too awesome.