
You're still taking dirty money from Big Viral Video, Wilkins!

I finally caught up with the last season and a half of Orphan Black. Here's some stuff I thought about it:

I think the mid-90's was right around the time AM switched over to being mostly the right-wing evil talkradio empire, so I don't think you were far off.

Sorry if this was a joke that went over my head, but yeah, people were absolutely listening to AM radio. Especially if you didn't live in a huge city and wanted to hear anything off the top-40 beaten path.

O'Connor was a mainstay of late-80's/early-90s AM alternative radio, regardless of the popularity of that one song. I'll allow it.

Never do anything hungry… not even eat rats.

The players got so hosed in that CBA. The cap is expected to balloon in the next couple of years, though, which might keep the players happy.

I have my own NBA-truther conspiracy on how the Lakers produced two no. !
picks out of thin air around the early '80s, but I wouldn't say they stumbled into them.They got the Magic pick in a trade with the then-New Orleans Jazz (for, I think, Gail Goodrich.). They would get James Worthy with another #1 a couple years

I fell to pieces when I read this (also a hack).

Wow, she really did nail it. I'd never actually listened to Haim before. They're pretty good.

Thanks, I'll look for those (if you feel like adding the songs the covered, that would be great!).

Bayer has such a wonderful, weird energy. She can be very hit or miss, though.

Maybe. It's been a long time. Yeah, seeing the link I think that's it.

My least favorite (which I think is actually a popular episode) was the one where they get stuck in some kind of maltese falcon knockoff. I like noir as much as the next guy, but it's a sci-fi show. I don't want to see the crew in the 1940's. Maybe the 3040's.

I think I like the idea of a.v. undercover more than any of the actual songs. Are there any standouts besides the really fun TMBG tubthumping cover that might turn me around on it?

Hannibal would accept your offer.

Fair enough.

It'll be fine. It'll be music to your friend's husband's dick.

That "music to my dick" line is pretty amazing, though. I want to start working that into everyday conversation now.

Do those people not know that there's unlimited free pornography on the internet? They're not reading it for the story, are they?