
This new law is going to cause a lot of confucian.

It's always bothered me that droids — which are always depicted as sentient, even sensitive beings — are basically slaves and the rebel alliance is just fine with it. Luke is just like, "Well, back on the moisture plantation, that was just our culture and heritage."

"No, you can't come over. Just stay right the fuck where you are, Red Rover."

Same problem for me. Objectively (whatever that means), it's probably a better movie, but it's just too much for me.

I would say The Godfather series. A lot of people disagree, but I think the original holds up better than Godfather 2, with Godfather 3 just edging out its direct-to-video sequel, Godfather 4:Godfather Babies, starring Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen.

I wish I would've read this before I posted. Yep, exactly what you say.

Totally agree with Eichel about Hannibal being more frightening without an origin story (I would add he's also more realistic, in terms of pyschopathology). Hannibal is better as a force of nature — an elemental evil — than whatever tortured-soul, avenging-angel bullshit they turned him into in Hannibal Rising. For

the “first app that lets you discover which of your friends support you, and on what issues.”

"I'm here to deliver your pizza."

I'm still not entirely sure what kind of account I have. I just know it randomly logs me out every 10-20 minutes and I've had 9+ notifications for at least a year now.

I think that's an interesting question and I wish there was more discussion of it (other than as glib conservative parody of transgender issues). There are just so many potential third-rails there…

The Arizona band has no Meat Puppets. Weird.

Whovian is cruel… but fair.

I'm probably giving it too much credit. They still seem really committed to tying it into some kind of serious exploration of life after death, which can't end well.

What is "spam?"

I missed most of the first half and saw most of the second half, so together it's like we watched most of the whole thing! There's a conversation in the last 10 minutes or so set in the billionaire's hedge maze (which I assume he keeps around for whenever he needs a really on-the-nose metaphor) that pretty much maps

I like it, but I'm so far in the tank for everything they do. It's closer to "vintage" Pixies than Bossanova or Tromp le Monde (both of which I adore). I've always loved Black's weird musical explorations. If anything, I was disappointed that it didn't go further off the beaten path of their classic sound.

I'm an obsessive Frank Black fan so I've adapted to his new voice, but certain songs just aren't the same without him doing his whole manic Pixie scream guy thing.

So Joe did not rock you?