
I hated Ferrel on SNL, but he had a monster run of classic comedies in the 2000's that I couldn't do without. Like someone else said, he pretty much has one gear, which made him a poor fit for a sketch show. Put him in the right role, though, and it turns out he's really funny.

In Soviet Russia, Armour Hot Dogs fill model.

Hey, thanks!


I love the glacial pace of this season so far. Barely anything happens plot-wise in this episode, which allows for a fairly deep exploration of the fragmented state of Will's mind.

I don't know… shit looked pretty real outside the gate. It would be cool if they were just using this episode's twist to set up an even bigger twist. This one's pretty hard to top, though.

Jesus, dude. I know one person I'm crossing off my list of people-to-freeze-for-the-impending-lizardpeople-apocalypse.

Right? Now I'm not sure, though.

Also, what are the chances none of those kids went home like, "I learned the most interesting thing in school today…"

I'm kind of torn about it. Part of me thinks it's the dumbest thing I've seen on TV in a long time, another part secretly loved it and hopes the show goes on for another 20 seasons just piling on increasingly ridiculous twists.

1. The abbies ate them all.
2. The abbies. In reality, Wayward Pines is a popular reality TV show on ABC (the Abbie Broadcasting Corporation).
3. I'm assuming Pam re-broke it; not because she had to, but because she thought it was funny.
4. They're splitting the suspended animation pods: half for thawing out, half for

Sorry to grouse, but is there any way you could've chosen a screencap that didn't immediately give away the twist once I started watching the show? Not the first time it's happened. Although to be fair, the show didn't really seem to be taking great pains to hide it.

"But Bigfoot is always alone, is he not?"

iZombie has really grown into something special after a wobbly start. Not many shows can pull off seamlessly going from goofy to insane to exhilarating to heartbreaking. Shades of BTVS. I think they're going to need to expand the mythology to sustain it, though. Can't wait for season 2!

Watching the last 10 minutes right now. Me for the last the five minutes:

Somehow she pulls off looking both badass and cute-as-a-freakin-button.

Those James Dean drawings are pretty cool. One of them is a design for a fart filter that looks both fun and functional.

Yeah, but Seinfeld? Chris Rock also said basically the same thing a few months ago. Neither one of these guys is some mouth-breathing conservative reactionary.

"Talking Funny." I think it's up on youtube. Well worth a watch for anyone who hasn't seen it.

watchin' x-files with no lights on, I hope the incest-deformed murder family's in this one.