
-The Humans was a great game. And now I really want to play it again.

I think my biggest problem with the show so far is that the town rules are less "mysterious in a way that hints at a deeper significance" and more "arbitrarily chosen to create artificial narrative tension." I'm still watching, though. They better not Shyamalan the ending.

That road loop from ITMOM is hard to top. iirc there's a great bit of creepiness with a bicycle as a visual cue that he's not just going in circles. Really underrated movie.

The road looping doesn't have to be supernatural (it's just a circle), but point taken.

Or really any decade. Action movie logic hasn't been getting any better.

Terrence Howard is absolutely killing it as Sheriff Creepypants. I'm pretty "meh" on the show otherwise, but I could keep watching just for… awwww, dammit.

"Hey, you wanna slip Harold and Kumar into the DVD player, make some grilled cheeses…?"

"A surprise marriage proposal in Jeff's law class reveals an unexpected connection between bride and groom."

Do any of the networks have any kind of stake in the big social media companies? There's gotta be some relationship somewhere in all that corporate incest. That would be a huge leg up if they could do something like advertise directly on a hashtag. Then again, I guess anyone can advertise on a hashtag, it's called

NBC must've thought it was adorable when Cerone showed them Constantine was trending on Twitter. The one thing social media can do for a show is encourage people to watch it live, with ads. Other than that, It's even more useless than Nielsen at measuring how many people are watching a show's ads..

In the CB's defense, I think a lot of the truly mean stuff — as opposed to the obvious all-in-good-fun stuff — on Twitter is defensiveness rather than "ugly hubris." I'm sure he's been taking abuse for years (however long he's been doing predictions) simply for pointing out that some shows are likelier than others to

Liv should've remembered the sniper's motto: "one is better than HOLY SHIT BLAINE JUST KILLED MY BOYFRIEND."

I need a gif of that crazy cheering, it was such a great bit of Britta awkwardness.

Not sure if it makes a difference, but I think only the first flashback (when Jeff vetoes his motion to have a flashback later) actually happened. So he wasn't remembering things, he was imagining them.

Lance Hunter (Nick Blood)

It means something! Those were really great insights into what makes Community tick, thank you.

The implication of why the Dean would want a giant fist maybe? Sometimes a giant hand is just a giant hand.

"Disappeared! Disappeared. They never found his body on the ground, which proves he's still up there waiting. Waiting for a better daddy, with a bigger hand."

The flashback thing came around for me when they got to the Dean tazing Jeff, but I see what you mean. Even if it wasn't funny, I liked it for the fact that the show is owning how detached from reality Abed can be. I thought it was a nice character note. Abed seems calm, but really he's falling apart just like

Seems to be working normally for me, too. Unless… is this just a shrewd ploy to get upvotes as people test it?