
I really like Weird Loners. I was a little put off at first that 3 out of 4 of the titular weird loners are just conventionally attractive actors, but the show actually makes them believably, profoundly dysfunctional — in a funny way! Hopefully I'm not dooming it to cancellation by liking it.

That's going to be worst T.V. show I'll ever watch start to finish.

Was this just the first thing that showed up on youtube when you guys searched "True Detective?"

She was pretty great. CI was pretty far from prestige television, but it was trashy fun and there were actually a lot of really memorable performances on it.

Good god, no, she's fucking terrifying.

…given that Criminal Intent was done in by its failure to distinguish itself…

For once, I think it really is about ethics in journalism. Just curious, though, what makes you say it's not?

2 big complaints about the show:

It's going to be hilarious when she goes through her gritty reboot, Jim Carrey-in-the-number-23 phase.

To be fair, the video never calls it a longbow.



I would watch the heck out of that. I love the Where in the world is Root?

I miss Carter.

Apropos of nothing, what was it called?

In case anyone's interested, here's a short radio interview with the guy who got the bid exactly right:

What happens when Noah inevitably does a "Fox News anchors says something stupid and offensive" story? That's gonna be a little awkward, is all.

Why did I have to google that and ruin my day?

I thought that was the term for just Americans in general.