
Since about a hundred people have said they're only offended at how unfunny the jokes are, just a quick thought —

This is the first time I've seen a hashtag actually make a joke funnier.

Say the whole word!

I thought it was Indian, too. After googling Andreeva, it looks like it's actually Eastern European (some sample names from the first page: natalia, nadya, anya, ilina, etc..).

You'd have to pin down what you mean by "religious movies" before I could say for sure, but probably not. I don't think it would be just like any fantasy film. e.g., Lord of the Rings knows it's fantasy. It might have some general ideas on good and evil, but it's not like it's trying to convince me to accept Frodo

"My mother said, 'Central's lost a fullback, but the McNeils have gained a daughter'"

Not to mention Kermit the damn Frog!

Station Sale is so good. Love Jimmy James' little speech at the end. They didn't go to the sentimentality well often, but when they did it was pitch perfect.

I would agree with the criticism of Jacqueline's backstory if the show was trying in the slightest to pass Jane Krakowski off as actually being Lakota, but that's the whole joke. She's really, really white. It's just an absurdist little goof — sorta like Steve Martin being born a poor, black boy. She's not taking a

Definitely more impressive if he knows it. Mini's rhm has a line where he says he doesn't think anthony knows the code; I took that as a cue to the viewer that he really doesn't. There's nothing in the episode to say for sure, though, I think.

I think he was waiting until he knew absolutely that it was the last resort.

If it gets people to google Euler's Identity (which really is amazing), then I'm all for it. But, yeah, Finch looking surprised that she would say that, and then needing an explanation, was painful. I really hope that was all part of the con.

This one was fun in an '80s action movie dont-think-too-much-about it way.

The only part I really liked was Maebh running around flailing her arms like Kermit the Frog. That was cracking me up. I know there ended up being a story reason for it, but I like thinking that's just how she runs. What I'm saying is, if they put a 100-yard "dash like Kermit the Frog" event in the Olympics, I would


I think many of these cases get plead down to avoid putting the victim on the stand (for various reasons).

A friend of mine cut the cord a few years ago and he couldn't be happier with it. Even with all the streaming services out there, he still ends up having to, let's say, borrow a lot of shows from friends on the internet, which is an issue. Personally, I don't watch a ton of TV, but I like watching the few shows I love

Yeah, this actually seems pretty reasonable. I understand there's a market for toy-collecters. Cool hobby, no issues with it. But there have to be other stores out there to meet that market. There shouldn't be a problem with Toys R Us making a business decision that they're a kid's store (well, a parents' store, but

This season is making me nervous (in a good way). As much as I loved Carter's character, her death is really paying off dramatically this season. No character feels safe (except maybe Finch, who's the heart and backbone of the show). I had a pit in my stomach as Root went off on her "all the things TV characters say

A 24-hour buffet sounds like a sad, magical place.