
Man, that's gonna be torture for the fans if the last episodes end up living up to the show's potential.

"…as Entertainment Weekly noted this morning, nothing new from the broadcast networks has met an untimely end this fall."

Seems like The Bridge would be a natural fit at El Rey. Make it happen, Robert Rodriguez.

The one aspect of this show that is really working for me right now is the black comedy. I honestly have no idea how much of it is intentional — it's like the Poe's Law of TV shows — but I get a few solid laughs out of every episode. Balloon Murder. The Bionic Septuagenarian tearing up his walker. Abducting homeless

I think the AV Club has found its new Dawes.

It's the eyebrows.


-The central nervous system reveal was awesomely creepy. At first glance, it really just looked like a picture of some idyllic meadow under the forest.

The kneecapping does get ridiculous. I'm resigned to it, though. It's sort of like Dean and Sam fighting on Supernatural — it's annoying, it's part of the show, I just try to tune it out.

I though this was a pretty draggy episode with a great payoff.

Never heard of Land's End, but I just checked out their website and the first item I saw on their catalog was a woman's plaid vest. So… yeah.

The deranged-workplace material is so much funnier than the social media stuff. I think I'm out on this one. I'll try again in a few episodes when they've (hopefully) run out of popular websites to reference.

Anyone got a gif of Casey Wilson running into that wall yet?

Didn't catch his race, but yeah that was uncomfortable. Especially when the crowd started applauding.

If you have time, watch the whole thing. I was going through the episodes to see which ones have serialized stuff/catching-up-with-recurring-characters stuff and it would be easier to list the few episodes that don't (which include some of the strongest episodes). If you just want to blow through to get to season 3

This week's number case was pretty forgettable, which is fine. I think it was really just an excuse to let Fusco be crusty and funny. It doesn't quite come together, though. Fusco's sad dating life has already been played more effectively for laughs in a previous episode (disappointed that things didn't work out with

I thought Wingman's "make an effort" speech really helped, too. His message was more focused on respecting women and not at all on real-world PUA douchebaggery one might expect.

I'll admit it had me interested after reading it. It's a long, long way from the author's claim that he can prove it. The more I think about a lot of it, the more spurious it seems, tbh. It just makes me skeptical that the author would pad his case with so many irrelevancies (like apparently Jason wrote some shitty

Here's an article from the California Assn of Marriage and Family Therapists that discusses confidentiality requirements:

Way too much of that article is just repeating that Jason Simpson has a mental illness, which isn't evidence of anything (except that he needed help).