
I really like her writing, but her BSG reviews were frustrating for exactly the reasons you cite. I'm not happy she's leaving. Even when I thought she was dead wrong about something, she always argued with a conviction and fierceness that I respect. I am hopeful that the AVC will have a chance now to let someone who

So the fate of the earth hangs in the balance, Clara has to decide the needs of the few vs. the needs of the many blah blah (the answer is always the needs of the many), Courtney's not feeling special, and the moon is a fucking egg. This could've gone so, so wrong.

That was my first thought after hearing Finch's pitch, that he could've done more to sell that she was choosing a dangerous path. I might be fansplaining it, but I think the point was that a hard sell would've been pointless. The episode implies that Claire knows she's getting into some shady stuff. I think Finch was

I really like Root's weird computer-worship angle. It's exactly the kind of sci-fi philosophy that POI is so good at working into what could be a by-the-numbers CBS procedural. I'm sure she's in the tank for The Machine all the way. Now that you mention it, though, I really hope they do like a last-temptation-of-Root

-The Decima (I'm assuming) assasin baddie looks to be fun. Even seeing it coming, her bit of supervillainy gloatsmanship before shooting the journalist was nicely delivered.

I might be letting my inner contrarian get the better of me, but I don't see the limits you're reading in the amendment. It specifically gives congress the power to prohibit corporations from spending money to influence elections, which is much broader than just limiting spending on candidates.

I would hope so. Any legislation would be aimed at the funding of the speech, though, not the speech itself. In a worst case scenario — and I'm saying up front that I can't imagine this happening because it would be political suicide — the legislation could apply to SNL's broadcast budget. Freedom of press remains

I don't know about entirely correct, but I have to admit it's a possibility. The more I think about it, the more remote the possibility seems, though.

Not even the same court that made the shitty Citizen's United decision in the first place?

Here's the wording of the amendment that passed the Senate:

That was when you were Ripper. You're different now.

That was the beforetimes. We don't speak of it lest the nudisqus overlords take away our 9+ notifications.

Unlike some Robin Hoods, this one could speak with an English accent.

I really enjoyed this episode. Now that DW has all the establishing-new-doctor stuff out of the way, it was nice to just see the Doctor and Clara go off on an adventure. A few thoughts-

This is linfuriating news.

So the mind of a Dalek is a series of tubes.

I really like the trio, too ("we're your archnemesis-es"). I don't think they're the big bad, though, so much as Willow is.

The last name/first name thing is weird. Even among my friends I'm pretty comfortable calling my male friends by their last names, but it just feels unnatural doing the same with my female friends. I blame my P.E. teachers.

Best of luck convincing the bosses to let you finish out the show. If it doesn't work out I'll obviously be disappointed, but thank you for the amazing work you put into reviewing this amazing show. I don't want to sound like I'm kvetching (even though I'm about to), but it would be a shame if the AV Club let such an

Not totally in the spirit of the question, but if by "feel-good" you mean entertainment than never fails to cheer me up, then Big Trouble in Little China does the trick. I get to laugh at Jack Burton being a stereotypical big,dumb action hero (and failing) for most of the movie, and I can still cheer when he gets his