
"Date Rape" is very explicitly, very obviously sympathizing with the victim. It's not subtle. If someone mistakes it as a pro-rape anthem — I've never in my life heard someone blasting this song and yelling like "woohoo I love rape" — they are an idiot and probably illiterate, and the song shouldn't be judged by their

Heh, that's a perfect analogy. I'm game for anything sci-fi, but I can't get past the YA-pandering logic of the premise. OTOH, a lot of people with really good taste seem to like the show, so maybe it's worth lowering the suspension-of-disbelief bar.

Yeah, I didn't get that fanboy slam. Just going by the comments on AVC, it seemed like the discussion around the show has been pretty reasonable. Then again, I loved the show (even the finale), so maybe I'm just willfully ignoring the nastiness.

At the risk of being one of those annoying True Detective fanboys, I don't think it was overhyped. TD featured some of the most legitimately exciting TV events of the year. For starters, there were the career-highlight performances from 2 bona fide movie stars.

Per Disney, blogs are for dogs. Not sure about the rest.

I was just thinking how cool it would be to have seen her in something like The Fifth Element. I actually like Jovovich in that, but she doesn't quite pull off the physical presence — i.e. the ass-kicking — that I think Black could.

Jack definitely comes off as weirdly naive for an interdimensional space demigod.

Officer Sun is at her absolute most badass throughout these two episodes, which is so much fun to watch, and which just twists the knife at the end the episode that much more. Related — I think that ending stuck with me so much I forgot how great Infinite Possibilities 1&2 were as a kind of standalone action movie in

True Detective. Immediately after watching the finale I had to hector all my friends until I found one to watch the whole series again with me. My favorite joke of the year is the driverless car gag from Silicon Valley, though, and I'm looking forward to SV's season 2 the most of any show so far.

Yeah, I think this guy is trolling Kickstarter. And Val Kilmer.

Buffy gets
away with a lot of stuff that irritates me in his other shows because it
has a sense of humor about itself. I think it makes some of the
formulaic, soapy stuff (like the "I have to tell you something…"
thing, which, yeah, fair enough) go down a lot easier.

You get to watch Buffy for the first time! It's on Netflix, it that helps. I remember seeing the pilot for Alphas and liking it enough but never caught the rest for whatever reason. I've got to check that out.

I don't have a comment on the eps so much as yet another love letter to my favorite sci-fi show. One of the things that makes Farscape such a landmark in genre shows is the way the plots tend to revolve around the conflicts between the main characters. Sure, there's usually an alien-of-the-week, and there's a seasonal

I think everybody on Twitter was spoiled the night the Red Wedding aired. It was kind of funny, because the book-readers didn't mean any harm. They were just excited about this Huge Thing That Was About To Happen and they wanted to make sure nobody missed it. So there were all these tweets about how the Red Wedding

I'd like to see an Expert Witness with one of the guys running these
spambots. Are they actually getting clicks from the AVC? Who in Dubai is
buying hotel management software from some shady website they found
linked in the comments of a TV spoilers think-piece? Is it just an SEO
thing? What's it like to be a soulless

Not all the anti-spoiler culture is paranoia. Certain stories work better if you don't know what's coming next. I would agree that a story is ultimately going to succeed or fail based more on how it arrives at its resolution than the resolution itself. It's more about the journey than the destination and all that, but

I guess you could argue that the ending sort of vindicates Scorpius. OBVIOUS SPOILERS JUST IN CASE ANYONE MISSED THE WARNING IN THE FIRST POST:

Not sure quite how to describe this… When young Scorpius is meeting with the peacekeeper captain for the first time there's something just slightly off from the Scorpius we've seen so far. He has the same preternatural calm, but it's more affected somehow. Like he's still learning to control himself. I don't know if

I think I misread your post as an argument with the op, when I should've just read it as a general comment on the situation. Totally agree, both things can be true. Probably disagree whether they really are both true.

Sure, but that's just arguing that the networks made a bad business decision, not that the Supreme Court made a bad ruling.