
Sure. I was looking at stats to see how many women end up not having kids and I was surprised to find out how many there are. iirc, 20% of women between 40 and 44 don't have children. So it turns out a great many people I know in real life aren't on a "getting married and having kids" arc. Including me, come to think

She's also one of the few characters whose feminism (usually) isn't used as a punchline, which is cool.

Yeah, I agree. Looking over my quick list, I think it's likely that all of the characters will end up on a "get married and have babies" arc given enough time. If I had to handicap it, I'd say Jess is a lock for it, and Mindy has the best chance of ending up being one of the MTM's, just going by the tones of the

"The problem is how often the medium hedges its bets when it comes to its
main characters, whose series-long journeys almost always culminate in
the birth of a child—and, oddly enough, increasingly do so."

Not disagreeing with the article, but I feel like it's missing something without listing the childless female sitcom characters. To really make the argument, I think you have to be able to quantify the problem a little. So, off the top of my head (counting women in ensemble shows as leads):

Her problem has always been that she's a flibbertigibbet.

huh. I tried googling and came up with nothing (unless he was referring to them as elementary particles with 1/2 spin. Take that!). The only thing I can think is that it's a way of calling them cheap mercenaries?

That's the hottest thing that's ever going to give me nightmares.

Wait, does palcohol mean that I can snort alcohol now? Because that's not "mildly irritating," that's "life-affirming genius innovation."

re:2 No, it's not just you and it's super-annoying. The really frustrating thing is that disqus makes it easy to stay on the page and follow a conversation in real time. As opposed to having to reload and hit "load comments" over and over. Great! Also totally useless because disqus keeps logging me out (I think it's

That's a good point. If GoT goes ahead with the redemption arc without dealing with his treatment of Cersei in this episode it changes everything. We haven't seen the full context yet.

Aha. Thanks. I figured something was up because the same thing happens on all the big threads, but sort by newest… I probably should've figured that one out on my own.

I don't 100% trust that their comments reflect their intent. They come off to me as CYA boilerplate, like they didn't expect the backlash to the scene and they're trying to put a good spin on it (and failing pretty miserably).

I went to log in to respond to an interesting point someone made, and now something like half the comments are gone. Is anyone else noticing this problem? What is going on with Disqus?

GoT (the show) never faces how inherently imbalanced the relationship between Cersei and Jaime really is. It takes place in a medieval setting that is literally a patriarchal society. Besides the fact that incest is just plain icky, Jaime has power that Cersei can never dream of, and no relationship between them — as

btw, thanks for doing this digifreak642. And please bring back grades before next fall, AVC.

I'm going to cop to my super-lameness and admit I was disappointed that Jeff and Britta didn't try to make a go of it (even knowing there was no way it was actually happening).

The dean has been off-the-charts in adorableness this season.

It irritates me that you're irritated at being irritated by the irritating grade Todd gave this episode.

The actor who plays the Subway guy (both times) was also the Ford Go Further guy on New Girl last year. Maybe he can become the go-to actor for when shows want to lampshade their product placement. Thank you for reading this installment of "Most Pointless Obvservation on the Internet Today."