


My favorite technophobic thriller is still basically all filmed science fiction ever.

1&2: Yep. Fuck, yep. Totally agree.

I skipped to FNV because I read F3 was kind of a letdown. Just reading the press about F3, I was actually pretty excited about it. Is it worth playing? Just curious how you think they compare. Thanks.

Just started playing Fallout: New Vegas. FO2 is somewhere near the top of my top 10 favorite RPGs, which left me a little bit conflicted about playing the Bethesda update.

Why isn't Katee Sackhoff in all the shows? I'm sure once I check her IMDB page I'll have a bunch of "ohhh, she was in that" moments, but I can't remember her being in a lot of things. With the way Sci-Fi epics can get overwrought so easily*, it's always important to have actors that can bring some nuance and

Tame Impala - "Apocalypse Dreams"
Starfucker - "Kahlil Gibran"
Beach House - "Gila"
Wilco - "Heavy Metal Drummer"
Fleet Foxes - "Helplessness Blues"

It was 3 different anime that they edited together to make the American show. Also, it was awesome.

Me and a buddy have been binging BSG for the last week and that's the perfect list of stuff that was cracking us up and getting us through some of the sloggy bits. Fat Lee is awesome, and gone too soon.

You hit the nail on the head re: Tom Zarek. A bit muddled. BSG is usually good at writing morally complex characters and situations. Even Baltar has a self-consistent ethos, and something approaching a conscience. Zarek is just kind of all over the place depending on what the plot needs.

Seeing Christopher Evan Welch in this was a little heartbreaking. Peter Gregory is the perfect CEW role, and he was really good in it.

It probably also suffered for being hosted by Pat Sajak.

That storyline was such a sucker punch to the character of Clarice Starling. It fits that Hannibal, master manipulator that he is, could pull that on lesser characters. But not Clarice, dammit!

I don't think I can remember ever seeing a show pull off such a tight episode so early in its run. So much great stuff in 33, but what impressed me most is how well the cast already inhabits their characters. By the end of the episode, every nerve on the Galactica is exposed and raw. The actors have to be able to

I think the detectives were supposed to be bad actors in a bad show and the weirdness was just an escalation of that.

It seems like the the Weekend Update jokes have gotten so lazy that Strong and Jost aren't really getting a chance. That Kim Jong Un joke was just… why even bother? I'm sure they could've come up with something a little more descriptive or specific than "by a blind person" (or however they phrased it). It's too bad,

I think I must be the only one who really enjoyed the whole pajamas sketch. Not sure what they were going for either. It was like an 80's public access production of Castle. I would laugh at Vanessa Bayer talking like a weirdo in any context, though.

I've been putting off getting into this series forever. You talked me into it, I'm moving this up to number 1 in my queue of nerdy TV shows I really should have caught up to by now. 1 episode before sleep.
