
That's not really what the word "dopplegangers" means. Yeah, I'm being pedantic about this. You didn't miss anything.

The wife (madness) and husband (misery) in Antichrist. A really great slow-burn, artsy horror movie.

I would say they were using the term ironically, but other than Sam Elliot's bizarro Ron, none of the "dopplegangers" had any relation to their counterparts. It would have been fun to see character impersonations, or character impersonations with an Eagleton twist, or subversions, or inversions (other than hippie

Excited about seeing a season of Angels Gone Wild stories. The angels have always been one of the most interesting parts of the show's mythology. Not so much looking forward to another "Dean does something questionable to save Sam and keeps it a secret" arc. Hopefully they wrap that up quickly without the usual

Loved "You did something bad… deal with it," too. New Girl's writers have a way with making simple lines really count.

Am I missing something or should it have been "gooble gobble" and not "gooble goo" (or whatever they were saying)? 

As long as they're dead, it's fine.

I seem to remember Friday The 13th: The Series keeping me up a few nights when I was a kid. My parents should not have been letting me watch that show. There was one with a cursed woodchipper that turned people into money. yeek.

I just meant him blaming someone else. Obviously his sinister plot is an exaggeration.

30 Rock's Last Lunch really nailed the balance between funny/heartfelt that a sitcom finale needs. It's right up there with the Cheers finale, imo.

Adam Pally! That can only mean that another show I'm just starting to get into is about to be cancelled. Dangit.

Also, Jess likes no-kissing spaceballs sex, which makes me immediately forgive the uneven first few eps of this season. 

Schmidt's pie-drenched reaction at the end (was that a Carrie reference? He
looked super creepy) seems to have upset a few people, but it was a
very human way to react. No one wants to believe they're the bad guy.
Easier to blame someone else.

Sci-fi detective/robot messiah Daneel Olivaw.

NBC hasn't billed this as a final season for Parks, and it's been doing decent in the ratings by NBC standards, so I think a 7th season is likely (hopefully?). I wouldn't mind if it ended at 6, either, but we'd better get a proper Pawnee finale is all I'm saying.

Poehler succinctly sums up the job of a crusading Pawnee city councilwoman as “wiping slime and shoveling slugs.”

On the last point, my parents actually did that. My grandparents had gotten me and each of my siblings savings bonds when we were born. My parents cashed them all in at various times.

I think people underestimated how good Marvel's marketing plan really was. It's kind of incredible how it worked out for them. I don't remember if the last Hulk movie was part of the roll-out, but counting Hulk 3 out of the 4 movies for the major characters were box office hits in their own right. Post-Avengers, Iron

I wonder how many of AoS's big debut audience tuned in expecting The Avengers: The TV series, but felt bait-and-switched when they got a fairly typical Joss Whedon series, instead. Don't get me wrong, a fairly typical Joss Whedon series is going to be better than 90% of what's on TV. They just have never had the

I think my feelings about this show were most eloquently expressed by Ogre: