
One thing that's dragging this down for me (but only a little bit) is that it's almost too close to Parks and Rec. Some of it — e.g. the tone, the character types, the feel-good lesson'o'theweek stuff — feels a little too familiar. I'm sure it will find its own voice, though, and there are worse templates to follow

Now Daisy is a woman who knows how to handle a love triangle:

That single drop of water dropping from the speedo onto Mindy's head was really sad and funny. 

Way late… but Dave from Happy Endings. He did invent "Down Low Too Slow," though.

A comedy about a mother recovering from addiction, from the creator of a comedy about 4 nerdy nerds and a comedy that's basically a remake of My Two Dads. Nope.

Being the straight man/woman is a thankless job.

I think Andy is awesome, too, so no real argument here. But Dave subverted the whole idea of a straight man (see also: KITH sketch McGuillicutty and Green). Like the article says, Dave is revealed to be just as insane as the rest of the cast. Dave Foley is one of the all-time greats at reacting to absurdity, but he

Why Dave's awesome in 5 words: "Bill… I stole your cane."

I'm going with B. Although it seemed more like passive-aggressive lazy writing than joke. The writers probably hate doing placement even more than viewers hate watching it. 

What worked: Toks Olagundoye. She's amazing.

This seems like a good place to remind folks that classic Farscape coverage resumes in "early November." Hopefully really early November.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Sorry to go all math-pedant on you…Lizzy Caplan / 0 is undefined, not infinity. Common mistake that everybody makes.

I think it's a matter of degrees. Schmidt isn't overtly racist so much as massively ignorant of foreign cultures. There isn't any hate in it. He actually thinks he's helping. He's just kind of an idiot about different nationalities (which fits his whole Romney vibe). It's a common enough attitude in Americans that it

Paradise Jess' grimy Wedding Sari rags were weirdly stylish.

I caught up with New Girl over the summer and fell in love with it. It makes me want to hug someone, and also… soft pretzels.