
Who didn't want start dreaming about Canada after that warm refugee welcome.

Me too. I was super proud during those scenes. (which is weird I know but there it is) (Live in Alberta)

Yes! This so much!

And they act like Enigma machines are just everywhere waiting to be bought. As far as I know they are pretty rare. And any that do get sold are really expensive.

And season 3 of Fargo.

Peyton sleeping with Blaine didn't happen before Ravi/Peyton's relationship. They dated in Season 1. Peyton found out Liv was a zombie and left town. Peyton and Blaine slept together in season 2 after she came back. Presumably R/P relationship ended when Peyton left town. I actually think Peyton treated Ravi badly

My tv cut out when Peyton showed up at Ravi's house so I just went by the review. Yes the kiss is tacky.


Frankly I hate Peyton so my view on this is probably skewed but I don't get why this is so upsetting to her. She, quite rightly, said to Ravi that it was none of his business who she was with because they aren't a couple. So then it's none of HER business either who Ravi is with because they aren't a couple. Yes I

Yeah Canada got it early for some reason.

Is she? I was agog that a mother let her child get married at the age of 16

And how come she still doesn't have Franny back? It was set up between Dar and CPS so how did that not come out?

We had it in Alberta for a short period of time in the '70's I think but thankfully it didn't stick.

? Buy butter when it's on sale and freeze it.

What's the podcast name?

The weird thing is that police detectives do a fair amount of desk work. Filling out paperwork, working the phone, etc. It's not all in the field.


I loved the cat! I was so sad when they got rid of it. :(

Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm reading the book now! It's interesting. And a little appalling.

QI is available on YouTube. I wish we could get it in Canada - it's so good. And the Emma Thompson/John Sessions episode is Series F.