

"when Danish military go there, they leave a bottle of schnapps. And when [Canadian] military forces come there, they leave a bottle of Canadian Club and a sign saying, 'Welcome to Canada!"

It's not syndicated. It's shown on Global. Global buys the rights to air the show in Canada on their station. We can also see it on CBS which is part of any cable/satellite/tv package usually.

Very out of nowhere.

Well the actor they were talking about is from Edmonton, Alberta (which is the capital of the province of Alberta)so if you were talking about where he is from you would say Edmonton. You wouldn't say Alberta, Canada and refer to the province. Especially to another Canadian. If it was a small town in Alberta you would

The justice commenting about the Americans caught me off guard. Especially the dig about the health care system. LOL

This! Canada is super clean (which must have been mentioned 6 times)? *rolleyes* The police at the airport wear "cute" hats? *rolleyes*

He's so manipulative I wouldn't be surprised if he did use sex as a weapon with both men and women. I mean he preys on people's weakness and for that one character it's clear what his weakness is.

Yes Canadians get US networks as part of their cable/satellite package. I know such a novel idea that we can watch your shows! Amazing. And sometimes our Canadian networks carry them.

Only people in the US get NBC on-demand. it's not available in Canada. or elsewhere I'm assuming.

Love it!

I agree! Even tho the siblings fight etc you can tell they still like each other and they do help each other out. Not like some other shows.

This was a great episode! Erica was so funny. Her pudding melt down, the coach pet talk, her physical comedy and I laughed really hard when Barry brought her a pudding and she scarfed it down like an addict. (too bad you couldn't get the pudding in a metal tin tho. I used to cut my fingers on those all the time

I have to admit I did a squueeee when I saw you commented on my comment. ha ha LOVE the show. I was 15 in 1980 and it's amazing how much this show is making me laugh. It's the best comedy on tv in my opinion. Great cast, great writing and I love seeing all the 80's stuff. :)

I have often wondered how much explaining of the trends and fads there has to be.

oooh rat tails I had forgotten about those. That was a fad in the 80's for a while to grow a rat tail for guys. What can I say? It was the '80s. I laughed so hard at Barry's tho.

I'm impressed they even had the old style of curling irons! Love this show - makes me laugh so hard.

Pops gave Adam his watch.