
Ah interesting.
Yup, it really would almost be gallows humor making fun of her age now.

If you've ever seen him on QI, you'd know what it's like.

And it really started to become an elephant in the room as the series went on, as I presume they're meant to be similar ages as characters.

Mitchell's radio show wouldn't be for you then, he's borderline insufferably smart-alecky on it.

On boozers?

Probably right. It also seemed to shift from being about two people trying desperately to be 'with it' to two people who won't admit they're old. A subtle sort of shift there, but it really ruined it.

Mine's Peep Show, it is a little too uncomfortably cringeworthy, and I find David Mitchell weird and offputting enough as it is.

Oi some of us are British ya mug!

Yup, that's how I find it too. It was certainly far funnier in the beginning because the joke seemed to fit better in the 1990s, the joke wore thin really bloody quick.

Yes, this exactly.


Brain or the ocean sort?

Oh I like you.

You seem fun.

Me too. It's not he's not good for me, it's his Actor's Studio of the time sort of acting is in pretty stark contrast to everyone else.

It really is, and good god almighty why did anyone think Rod Steiger's acting style would fit in with the tone of it all?

Agggh everyone always goes on about the near ballet opening sequence as looking silly, but I think you need to look at what it's supposed to represent; mucho posturing and strutting like they own the neighborhood.

For me I'd have preferred they changed the play's end for the Pygmalion one.

That's sort of the point to. The kids sing, because they're of a different generation from their parents and/or authority figures. It makes their rebelliousness and generation divide clear.

Yup, umm no.