
tangerines have too many though.

I didn't think it was really bad, but there were moments where I groaned a little at it being so self-aware.

Tangerines are ropier oranges full of seeds. Yuck.

Not according to my brother who likes Star Trek and Who to the nth degree, and calls Star Wars 'fantasy bollocks'.

1. A Christmas Carol
2. Christmas Invasion
3. Last Christmas
4. The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe
5. The Next Doctor
6. Runaway Bride
7. End of Time
8. Voyage of the Damned
9. The Snowmen
10.Time of the Doctor

been by far my favorite series since 6, and mainly for a fresh take on The Doctor as not some cosmic Peter Pan type and more a cross between 9 and (yes) 6, but in the best ways.
I also think Clara is far better a companion than with Smith overall, because the opposite personalities clashing is really working.

I'd give anything for a Frost/Capaldi companion/Doctor run.

Yup, yup all of this. All the convoluted solutions and over talking things out and big emotional speeches and outbursts. It was Moffat cranked all the way up to eleven.
I enjoyed it and all, but did end up rolling my eyes a lot by the end of it.

Loved her in that, do wonder if her being bald and blue will help or hurt her career.

Nobody tell The Doctor about 'The Thing'.

I think Empty Child gets more leeway as it's about the blitz more than the war, and at this point it was a war between allies (minus America mostly) versus Hitler. In fact Jack Harkness being in London's a major historical inaccuracy.
Idiot's Lantern seems much more an idealized recreation of an event to play to

Talk about a let down. It's not even bad, just really, really average.

Funny you say that, but that's sort of what they did in the half series last aired, just swap wi-fi for telly.

Daleks in a landslide. Even the worst Dalek episodes are watchable, the worst Cybermen ones are intolerable.

My TARDIS is full of eels!

He warmed to me in the second series considerably. First series Mickey I didn't hate as much as the writers treated him badly and had Rose be the worst girlfriend imaginable to him.
I like the more realistic reaction companions as opposed to the 'jolly hockey sticks' sort who just regard everything as a big adventure.

Unlike say The Empty Child that one never made me believe it was taking place in the time it suggested.
Instead of atmosphere it got lazy and used popular-culture artifacts to seem authentic.

I hated the implications behind that, which I'm sure weren't intentional but still.
i mean of COURSE the two new Who companions of colour would marry.

I'd say that's purposeful to boost BBC home release sales.

I think they were great in the first two Doctors years, and lost some magic after as Graham Williams and JNT never quite seemed to settle on or get a concept of them that worked.