
Yupp. The genius was in how they made it seem like a actual town with people you met week to week all of who had opinions, life changes etc. It wasn't like they were just there to serve the two leads, you always felt as if they had lives and things going on you just didn't happen to see.

Brit transplant advocating for goose here. It's more like duck than turkey or chicken in it's rich flavors, and you get enough meat for everyone too.

Leftover turkey sandwiches with some stuffing are truly the food of the gods.

So…what's you opinion on Alice's Adventure's In Wonderland? Childish piffle or surreal post-modern masterpiece?

Oh this is so true. These books are so for established readers really. I took a girlfriend (non-reader) to Goblet Of Fire and over drinks after out entire conversation was her asking me to explain things.

I'm with you. The background stuff is what made the books great. For example I'd have liked at least a reference to S.P.E.W in Goblet, as it would have deepened Hermione and made the story less one-track.

This is why I'm so pumped up for the Series Of Unfortunate Events Netflix series.

Plus it subtly mirrored how the main characters were aging with how the tone slowly shifted, almost as if it's a puberty metaphor.

I'm the same with how they ruined the mystery to Barty Crouch Jnr in Goblet Of Fire. I mean seriously, way to sabotage your twist. It went from subtle to blatent.

Yup they sort of neutered Ron by making him stick to the bumbling side kick role as the films went on, whereas book Ron developed into being bloody great as his own character who found his role in life. I loved Grint's take, but he deserved the book Ron.

I abso-bloody-lutely adore this. The old timey prose and the sentiments both.

Thank you. It means a lot to me.

This raises a point I've wanted to ask, but was wary of spoilers; are all the Baratheon's dead now?

Give me Gregor, zombie Baric and Paul Kaye walking around and killing for chicken instead.

I want to tour Tyrion's fantasy vineyard, heck I want a Westeros version of Sideways starring Tyrion.

Pod vs Tormund in a Courtship by Combat!

Can't they just say balls to it, he's close enough? We got Ramsay as warden of the bloody north with just a much tenuous claim.

How much is left? I thought they used it all blowing up Stannis?

Jaime should just head to Casterly , say bollocks to everyone and get down to drinking wine and siring Lannister heirs.
He doesn't even have to worry about being tempted by blood relations the way things seem to be heading.

Yupps. I find her really interesting, especially her shortsightedness and vindictiveness governing her every move.