Hey E.Buzz! leave those nerds alone!
Hey E.Buzz! leave those nerds alone!
I think this is a case where The Doctor knows much more than the audience does at this point.
We're in the dark, but I'm getting the suspicion he's had some ideas all along.
It's definitely the desire for the mystery to not be telegraphed I think.I really suspect they want to shock people, and the only way to do that in the internet age is to provide as few clues as possible.
Let's face it chaps and chapettes if there were really big clues laid out, then we would be debating it and maybe…
He's much more a I'll keep that seemingly superfluous information I discovered up my sleeve for later type.
He doesn't really lie to companions, he just gets flustered when put on the spot.
Moffat confirms the budget has pretty much shrunk here.
Not in figures, but he said they weren't getting the money they used to if you read between the lines.
You mean that game of silly boys rounders you septics seem to like? Yeah not interested, it's naff.
It's only the irredeemably silly ones that irk me. I can take leaps of logic in small doses, but the ones that are just beyond belief, capability or rely on no one ever actually noticing really bother me.
@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus I think he would bring her there, if his goal is to see what the apparent anomaly in time's reaction to somewhere else she once existed is and what that tells him.
Anyone heard if the finale is feature length? I really hope it is longer, as I can't imagine wrapping this all up in 44 minutes and including all the 50th anniversary tidbits and cameos in too.
I'm interested in that idea too. Not sure how exactly it works or how the TARDIS' 'soul' got removed and scattered through time.
Shouldn't that cause it to work less when she's not in it?
She's definitely there to be studied, from his perspective.
I'm wondering if the lack of motive from her to want to travel (this Clara seemed fairly content where she was located) is a hint that she's subconsciously being pulled towards him every time, and that's part of the mystery and her clue to being not really…
Ahem, The Master overriding all humanity in his image?
I would only really call the world building halfarsed in Akhenaten, and that was because the show needed to be two parts to do that for me.
I don't really know what flailing means in the context of this, unless it's jumping around too much and the overall progress isn't working.
My biggest issue with Ahkatan was there wasn't quite enough time to get to know where they landed before proceeding to the crisis.
I wanted to know more about that society.
Oh the whole war would be too epic for the budget anyway.
I wouldn't mind them getting into parts of the behind the scenes stuff and trying to avert the situations anyway.
Not a big deal. McGann has been practically begging to return for the anniversary.
The TARDIS did not approve of Captain Jack's idea of a threeway tryst in the swimming pool. She's a jealous old girl.
I agree, I do think people misconstrue the Doctor not being honest with a sense of the malevolence we sometimes give that word.
He has as you say done that, but seldom in a way that's out of bad intentions, when it's usually much more being sparing with the truth.
When it comes to the companions at least I always sort…
It was.
I like the easter eggs as long as they're either plot related or don't stick out as pandering.