Dot and the TV addiction

As another straight woman the most annoying thing about that comment is the unspoken assumption that we're not listening to the show. None of us.

Not to mention the mitigating circumstance that they used as the defence in her trial was that she was a victim who was intimidated into doing it. Even if voters could forgive her for the destruction, are they really going to think she's strong-willed enough to run a city?

Harmon and A.V. Clubbers' 'darkest timeline' uses have been minor misdemeanors compared to that stupid season 4 finale.

The main thing comedies from the eighties have taught me is that I was damn lucky I was only born at the end of the decade.

Since he made the Statue of Liberty a weeping angel, I can't even feel let down by the other times he messed them up.

I vote Davies partly because Moffat rarely connects emotionally for me, partly because I really, really hate how many times he's written the Time Traveller's Wife style tropes and the way it makes it seem like the female character's whole lives revolve around the doctor.

Oh. Okay then, I wish he'd clone himself a few times so I could have faith in his ability to devote a proper amount of time to each of the mountain of projects he announces.

Wish he'd gone with Monster instead.

It also feels like it's catering entirely to new visitors to the site, like they're just throwing out a bunch of articles at random in the hope that one or two of those big, pretty pictures will catch someone's attention.

Fuck this. That's been my entry point into the av club since I started coming here.

Okay, but have you seen how beautiful he is?

Sorry. I just meant that the process to become a vampire involves dying with vampire blood in your digestive system so her body would be sitting around dead for a while in between being human and supernatural. I assume that would trigger her confusing other side ending powers.

That wouldn't work, she'd have to die as a human to become a vampire.

I wasn't offended but I do agree that this crossed a line that the gang's normal awfulness doesn't.

Ugh, I just googled it and his most likely replacement is Cumberbatch.

I agree. You could basically predict every story beat of the episode before the opening credits. It made it pretty boring.

Didn't it do even worse than that though? Box Office Mojo says it's only made 37 mil worldwide.

I actually think the fact that fans were so fixated on getting him to be cast as Grey puts several big nails in the coffin of 'you can't cast a gay man as a romatic lead, woman won't fantasize about him.'

Okay, I know there was a lot of messy storytelling this season but I cannot stop being annoyed by Cora's introduction. It was possibly the weirdest mishandling of an event that I've ever seen on TV.

I'd love to see the Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones as a Doctor Whoish family show.