Dot and the TV addiction

@avclub-37fbc3a475dad8f4729a4825ab147fde:disqus  Yep, that's a good summary.

I know, right. I'm really going to miss Smith's odd little mannerisms and speech patterns but the stupid storylines he had to be a part of are going to keep on coming.

I loved Beginner Pottery too. It and Physical Education are two very 'normal' episodes that make me happier than a lot of the innovative or emotionally revealing stories. They're just full of good jokes and charming study group interaction.

I think it was the right move. If he'd kept it hidden he would definitely have had to play it because everyone would have stuck to the plan and voted for him and Eddie.

I'm in the confusing position of really wanting him to wreak havoc for as long as possible, so yeah, I'm definitely rooting for him for the next few episodes.

This first, shitty season is actually why I like Parvati so much, she's like a good fictional character in that she has a story arc throughout all the seasons she's been on. She transformed herself from the snotty, petty, 'cool kid' to a socially-aware mastermind.

You know, I really wish SOMEONE had realised that whatever else they want to do with the cure, bringing it right into the same small town Silas is hanging out in is definitely the worst plan possible.

What we should be talking about instead of Girls today is Veronica Mars. It is kicking ass on Kickstarter and it's making me so happy!

No, but I'm going to right now. Thank you!

In defense of the cloning (which was one of the things I loved about the film):

This is my favorite Nolan film - I love me some obsessive battles seen from both sides where both parties are horribly flawed.

It was definitely far-fetched but I bought it. She's been making increasingly desperate attempts to increase her status all season and she's been becoming increasingly delusional. Like Charlie said, she's not alright.

God, yes. That speech was the first time I straight up hated her character. Usually when she's saying stupid things I just feel exasperated and embarrassed on her behalf but those few minutes were like a summary of reasons Hannah sucks.

Plus the nudity on Game of Thrones is disturbingly objectifying. They constantly use the naked women as set dressings, they don't get any lines, they don't serve any plot point, they're just there being unrealistically big-boobed, tiny-waisted and available for sex.

Fourvel could get a stepmom!

I want the return of Celeste Cunningham: Jack's best girlfriend, to finally get him to admit that his relationships are more important than work. Along with Liz. And the baby he presumedly still has.

The Dice Man too. My mother recommended that book to me, I can't work out how she got through it.

The Dice Man too. My mother recommended that book to me, I can't work out how she got through it.

God yes, I felt like I was vibrating with anger the whole way through the Alchemist. How does it inspire so many people? The universe patently doesn't work that way!

God yes, I felt like I was vibrating with anger the whole way through the Alchemist. How does it inspire so many people? The universe patently doesn't work that way!