Dot and the TV addiction

Oh I recall it. That movie was a defining feature of my childhood. It's weird how terrifying that bunyip song is given the heavily stylized animation.

This is a big help to me too! I'm in the process of researching going back to school next year, when I'll be 29. I have a bachelors but it's not in an area I'm interested in anymore so I've been looking into subjects like computer science that will give me practical technical skills.

Me too! I wonder what exactly it was about that scene. I've never had a problem with the costumes before but almost 50 episodes in those leather hoods suddenly looked so ridiculous.

My feelings for her are definitely improving! I think it's the Dan Harmon/Britta tactic of having all the other characters dump on her that's turning the tide for me. Even Felicity was was kind of short with her last week.

I haven't read the book but I just got back from seeing the movie and I liked it. Quite a bit. mostly because of all the running from stuff (not so much the shouting).

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I think that must be a common feeling, Simon Amstell has a bit about it.

I dunno, Aiwei being discovered could be part of the plan. Look how it worked out, with Su Yin sending Korra off without Lin to basically deliver herself to the people trying to capture her.

If we were still getting notifications, there would be quite a few harrumphs over this article.

It was somehow genuinely sad and hilarious at the same time.

Right? What do people even mean when they talk about Jorah that way? He wasn't hanging 'round because he hoped she'd change her mind and bang him. He has respect for her leadership and right to the throne.

I don't care about the number of episodes or the number of seasons. I'm just disappointed that Harmon & co. weren't told that season 5 was the last before they started work on it.

I have been loving his performance so much. I love his unhinged laugh and his weird decisive way of making statements and I love how jarring it all is when he's surrounded by a whole cast of intellectual and reserved characters.

I'm not so much disappointed in the number of seasons it got as I am in the way it ended. I would have prefered it if they had been told going into this season that it would be the last, then we could have had an actual, emotionally resonant ending and some closure rather than a treasure hunt.

I agree that conversation wasn't about them controlling their own fates but I liked that it showed how great they both are at acknowledging their limitations and working within them.

Yes! It was like edible golden light.

Woo, man. Woo's got all the male beauty we need. That is unless he's disfigured by his fall next week.

All I know is Woo doesn't seem to be getting one and that's a bummer.

"Because if he can do something like this…"
"He's stronger than ever"
"Which means he'll be coming for us."