
I hope not either but I did love that episode of Twilight Zone.

I'm actually intrigued by the fact that they revealed so much in the 1st episode. I'm hoping that means that there are plenty more weird/creepy quirks to come.

Yes I am sure! I looked into whether Coke paid MM for the spot and was surprised to find out they didn't. I guess Weiner really did love that ad!

I immediately rewatched the scene afterwards to see whether Leonard hugged back. I'd say you have to be extremely cynical to think there wasn't real emotion from Don in that hug.

Everyone loves getting really good news!

Jon Hamm's handsomeness is enough to keep me watching pretty much anything. I hope Tina Fey is working on something for him right now!

Except Harry Crane!

It's the ending I assumed as well but I figured he ended it the way he did because he wanted there to be ambiguity and because of this, I was ok with Don being off on his own.

I see both sides, especially with a character driven show like Mad Men. I binged 1-4 before the season 5 premiere and while I agree it's good to have details fresh in your mind, I feel like I missed some character development that comes to you when you have time to consider the motivation.

Fair enough. The brilliance of Mad Men IMHO is that it can be enjoyed on many levels. My mother, who is the one who convinced me to watch it, is more of a "surface" viewer. She loves the characters, fashion, setc, etc. but isn't too interested in delving deeper than face value but still loved it just as much as people

I wasn't referring to metaphors and symbolism or using other devices to delve deeper into the characters and therefore the viewer. What I meant is that the show has never tried to trick viewers or use misdirection. I do think Weiner wanted there to be some level of ambiguity but I also think it's clear what his

Has buzzfeed ever been above supermarket tabloid level??

It was a large cast, they couldn't showcase everyone. I think Rich Sommer was great in the role but even marginalized, it was likely a dream come true and one most actors would kill for.

Considering Jack has been dreaming of that boat trip since season 1, I think it's just a nice coincidence.

Patrick wasn't a Grayson.

Yes they really beat the the viewer over the head with multiple mentions of Emily never stooping to the level of murder.

Well maybe it was a kernel that developed but at least the image of Don was in mind way back. This is what Hamm said:

"was he an ass?"

She also had that spite fling in the bar after dropping the kids off with Don at the Roosevelt but other than momentary lapses, I don't see Betty fundamentally changing. Her upbringing left it so ingrained in her that her worth is in her looks.

That's true. He really showed ambition & ingenuity by finding out what was going on at other firms and going to Cooper about creating a new role for himself at a time when his job may have been in danger.