
He probably should have replied with: Oh I thought she was Christina Hendricks and we needed to do a re-take.

Wow, he is actually claiming that serving balls down your throat is a common tennis term? Yikes!

I think that's probably what would have happened but when she told Don she was going back to school she said something about people being comfortable talking to her & that she could help people.

Six Feet Under remains my favorite series finale ever.

Newly minted millionaire Megan is due for a cocaine overdose…

I watched a lot of early episodes leading up to the finale and having a more sympathetic opinion of Pete definitely changed my reaction to several scenes with him.

Aren't you afraid the Manson Brothers are going to get you?

Harry's a douche & was lucky he made it into the finale at all. I still love that he missed out on becoming a partner by about 5 minutes.

Well at least we are done with the endless promotions for the "highly anticipated" Steve Jobs trailer.

When did we stop?

I definitely think Don created the ad. I've always felt MM is a pretty literal show. The Coke campaign was a thread that began in season 1 and there were many clues in the final season that it would end with him working on it.

No, he goes to Indiana, finds a bunker and starts a cult.

Stan was definitely embracing the 70s in that ensemble

I agree Kinsey's presence wasn't missed but I would have liked to see more of Sal. There are a lot of ways they could have developed the character.

The editing of the last few minutes heavily implies that Don created the commercial so I think it's fair to say Weiner shares that theory.

You have a higher opinion of Betty than I do.

Absolutely agree. While I am of the Don goes back to McCann to create the ad camp and I am confident that is heavily implied by the writers, it's also clear they wanted some ambiguity.

That does make me feel slightly better. ;)

Yes, Empire is a great example of what I consider "soap opera". I admit that I watched most it and if you are willing/able to suspend logic and just enjoy it for what it is, it's a fun escapist show.

And ** Spoiler Alert** Pete does get eaten by a bear!