
I'd say he gets married again within a year or 2. As Joan said guys like him are always just between wives.

And they had finally started feeling better about themselves about the "Manson Brothers" theory not playing out.

You may not have seen underlying emotions but many of us did. Their late night phone calls, Peggy confiding in him about the child she gave up. Did you want Peggy to draw little hearts with her & Stan's name in them? The change from friendship to romance is often subtle and catches the people involved by surprise.

I feel like I'm reading an Abbott & Costello routine.

Joan's far from perfect by doctor rapey truly was a horrible person.

He pursued a pregnant married woman & encouraged her to get a quickie divorce when they barely knew one another. He deserves everything he gets.

It would be fun for a day & then Joan would eat her alive.

The Betty/Roger hook-up foreshadowed in S1!

I wasn't trying to prove anything though. I was simply stating that your theory, whether referring to TV in general or MM in particular was disproved before the scene in question by Peggy & Don.

Nah, that was all Ted. He was depressed about yet another romantic failure.

But it still negates your idea that men & women can't be platonic…

Peggy & Joan would not have worked well, IMO. I like the way we leave Joan but let's face it, she's still Joan and when problems inevitably arise while starting a new business, I could just see her lashing out at Peggy & holding over her that even though they're partners, it's her money that started things.

I was thrilled Peggy & Stan end up together. There were signs of that for the last few seasons and when Stan commented that he & his live-in gf had broken up a couple of weeks ago, I knew something would finally happen between them.

You seem to spend a lot of time thinking about a show you claim not to watch.

Not buying into this. Don didn't change but Peggy & Joan certainly have.

In season 1 (Babylon I think), Betty comments that she just wants to disappear when she gets to a certain age. She definitely didn't want to grow old and I doubt she would have done so gracefully.

When she pointed to her heart saying "and you're here" even though he couldn't see her, I just melted.

No way was Stan a consolation prize. Peggy loved & admired Don but it had been clearly established that nothing romantic was going to happen between them.

Too many to mention but here are a few that come to mind:

Hobart trying to woo Don back in Season 1 by having Betty model for a Coke ad. Now THAT is foreshadowing…bitch!