
That's true but Betty was always there to take care of them & won't be anymore so he may step up.

Or more likely changed it back to Holloway after the divorce. I was actually surprised she never changed her name back after she divorced Dr. Rapey. I figure she didn't because of her son but since it's not actually his son & he has no part in his life since he was a baby, she could have changed both of their names to

Exactly. It was an intentional joke & Marie laughed with him. Not everything has to mean something else…

I disagree. We have never seen Don express emotion like we did in the finale. Has he ever even initiated a hug with someone?

I was really hoping for an awful ending for Harry. I don't necessarily need it to be death but something bad must happen to that creep.

Yes, absolutely Stephanie's breakdown was a direct parallel to Don's.

Good point! However, it's certainly possible that Don or Peggy could hire the company without Hobart ever knowing about it. It's too big of a company for the senior level to be involved in minor decisions.

Wow, I never thought of that. Makes total sense!

I thought it was perfect that they didn't acknowledge the romantic connection between Peggy & Stan but it had been building for years.

She's English not American.

My gut reaction was to want Don to immediately return to NY despite Sally & Betty's wish that he stay away. However, I came to the realization that him agreeing to their pleas and acknowledging that he isn't the stable father figure that he fooled himself into thinking he is was more difficult than just getting on the

I've thought they should get together ever since she left to work for Ted & they used to chat & confide in each other by phone which is why I thought them realizing they love one another over the phone was so appropriate.

I don't think she was in any danger of losing Stan but I agree her concern seemed to be more about the risk. I also think she was just surprised and flattered by the offer but as enticing as being her own boss is, her dream is still to be the first female Creative Director.

Nice thought but the production company would be hired to produce the commercial after it was already created by the agency, not the other way around.

The scene with Peggy & Stan early in the finale shows what her role is at McCann. While a valuable member of the team, she still works on the ads that are assigned to her & overseen by one of the Creative Directors.

There have been Manson references as well as references to other significant events throughout the series. I didn't see the mention in the finale as a nod to the rumors, more a realistic reason why noone would pick up Don if he tried to hitchhike.

Pete's rifle may have been a red herring but most of the other ridiculous theories we pure fan/critic concoctions.

Yes but he could choose who worked on it with him.

Peggy was the last to know.

It may have been out of character for the show but it was true to both Peggy & Stan's characters.