
It was also Betty's first reaction when she received the diagnosis.

Thar's exactly the spin-off series I've been hoping for!

But perfectly in keeping with her character.

I so agree. That company would have been a disaster. Better to have Peggy hire Joan's company to produce commercials.

Loved that Trudy was finally modernized. She looked great!

Pretty sure that was a joke. Meredith called them the Manson Brothers in an earlier episode.

The one good thing to come from the end of Mad Men is that we can finally stop hearing about all the absurd theories.

There is far less ambiguity here than in the Soprano's finale

It felt cliched but so honest at the same time. And how perfect that it was over the phone considering how many great phone conversations we've seen between the 2 of them.

That's the moment the tears came.

Sally without a doubt!

Even the old lady who shoved Don?! I thought that was awesome!

That's one way to look at it. I think it calls back to Peggy in her performance review wanting to create something lasting & meaningful. At the time Don sneered at her, saying it's not possible to do that in advertising but now that he has come to terms with who he is and reconciled his demons, he is able to do just

It was a nice tease though. I was seriously worried that he would shed his clothes and walk into the ocean like the Hilton ad he was so proud of.

That's not being pretentious, just a description of what happened at the end.

Are there really people that are hungering for more Diana?!

One last "not great, Bob" would have been nice.

Either Jon Hamm or Elisabeth Moss (ideally both!) need to win. Watching way too many MM episodes leading up to the finale this weekend has cemented the fact that Hamm's work especially has been nothing short of superb. His facial expressions alone are worthy of an Emmy & I really hope he gets recognition.

If Don didn't create the ad, what do you feel was the point of immediately cutting to it & showing people that look exactly like the ones he was surrounded by in the final shot?

Burger Chef & Topaz come to mind. I'm sure there are others.