
That's exactly what I was thinking. Don came up with the idea & called Peggy who immediately began typing up her ideas and together they developed the final product.

"At the end, Dick finds inner peace in being Dick, not pretending to be Don"

Yes, it was Esalen!

I do think his emotional experience at the retreat (Esalen in Big Sur, which is absolutely stunning btw) gave him just enough growth to realize that he can stop running and embrace who he really is, regardless of his name.

Yes that's what I thought. An old flame of his (Annabel, I think) mentioned them being in Paris together.

Umm, Roger's French is supposed to be awful.

It was established early on that Marie is French but lived in Canada.

I never would have believed that I would root for Pete!

I was glad Ken made an appearance & also provided one of the funniest lines of the final. Rather than the give the rote answer of "he's great" when Joan asked about his son, he said he was weird & thinks there is something wrong with him!

I was glad Peggy didn't accept. While in theory, 2 strong, ambitious women starting a new company together in 1970 is an empowering image, I just kept thinking of the times they lashed out at one another & did not see a partnership ending well.

****SPOILERS: Do you mean the ad or Don doing yoga in a hippie retreat?!? The commercial was predicted by many since they mentioned Coke multiple times in the last few episodes but if you predicted what he was doing, well done!****

Thx for mentioning this. I hadn't heard about it but loved the book!

Yes those 2 lines of sage advice were lovely even though you had to weed through the typical Betty narcissism to find them.

He had a 2nd heart attack in the office shortly after the first. It was during a meeting with Lucky Strike that was supposed to instill their faith that he was healthy.

Seriously?! I'm sure she's a lovely person but I was surprised she even got this job. I've never seen her in anything else so perhaps it was just in this role, but she was painful to watch.

It's definitely the sister & good riddance! I'm sure Deacon will be a wreck about it but at least he'll still be around.

I'd love to see Sadie back too but it seems unlikely. Laura Benanti (known more for Broadway at least until recently) just finished the "Spring Spectacular" at Radio City, has other tv roles & has another musical coming to Broadway next year.

I love your interpretation of Russ, Carter & Aubrey and agree with pretty much all of your comments.

I'm re-watching season 1 now and just saw the scene in Babylon where Betty comments how she just wants to disappear when she gets to "whatever age Joan Crawford says she is". She goes on to say she hopes her mother's appearance at around the same age (mid-late 50s I believe) is an indication of how Betty will look at

I can totally see her getting pissed off, dragging him into & then out of the car to check him in. But you're right, she would regret it almost immediately.