
I assume Tina Fey will play Marcia Clark?

I have mixed feelings about Joan's new guy. There is definitely something off about him but I can't tell if the character is supposed to be creepy or if there is just something about the actor's portrayal (and the awful clothes) that turns me off. If this weren't the end, I would probably predict he turns out to be a

Yes, especially in the car!

I'm not a Betty fan (though she has grown on me) but still think that is a great name!

I thought the cheap ploy in that scene was having Rosalee standing over him when it was so obvious that he was going to wake up & grab her.

I've always felt that her limited range of expression was due to her acting skills tbh but I agree she showed some growth in the last couple of episodes. Not sure if that's enough to keep Dark Juliette around and believable though.

I thought it was pretty dumb that she was just sitting on the floor like that for Juliette to find. She is the whole purpose of them being there so wouldn't Kenneth or one of his men have immediately grabbed her & taken her to safety rather than leave her sitting there while they were attacking Kelly where she could

I believe each show is graded on its own curve so there is really no point comparing grades of different shows. The last few weeks have been very good compared to other Grimms which is why they are ranked high but an A episode of Grimm would still not be as good as whatever the lowest grade was given to say a Mad Men

Hung?? This is 1970 not 1870…

I didn't see it but I heard Matt Weiner laughed about this theory during an interview & said it was crazy.

He told a bunch of drunk red necks in OK. I don't see how that will be found out by anyone, even if he does confess or get found out.

Yep, if we even see that.

I think Don & Betty in the kitchen with her reading Freud & him calling her Birdie one more time was a nice final scene for them. I'd like to see Joan again but more importantly I need to see Peggy. Her strut to her new office was great but didn't provide closure for me.

A big fat commission check is what Duck gets.

Wow, a reality show that isn't actually real? Shocking.

I assume this is supposed to be a joke?

And I'm sure the "someplace" that Norman goes to next season is nothing like the place Norma visited in the finale that costs $20-40k/month.

This probably isn't the best place to ask if you want non-biased responses.

Who will be taking over as most punchable face on tv now that Pete Campbell won't be around?

I would've thought that number would be higher.