
I'd say yes but by the time we get there, Romero will be fishing the car out and we'll have all sorts of questions to answer.

I think it's time to take a deep breath and let go of the rage. You are only hurting yourself. IMHO, The Americans was the best show on tv this year.

That would be cool IF they do it well.

The way I saw it was that mind Norma killed Bradley simply for trying to take Norman away from his mother.

I don't necessarily think an actor's performance should be graded on their own curve. Yes, she was slightly less terrible in this episode but learning how to act should occur BEFORE being cast on a TV show not after. There are many fine struggling actresses that already know their craft.

I commented a few weeks ago on the possibility of the show continuing on after Norma dies with only mind Norma around for the final season. I wasn't sure if it would work & am still not sure how I feel but seeing mind Norma in the finale makes me think it's possible.

And that creepy smile pasted on his face.

In any case, it's always fun to see a good house trashing. Must be a fun scene for an actor to play. Very cathartic.

Sounds like you need some help.

I'm a little sorry to see Bob/Ted go. But for such a slick character he made some stupid decisions in his conversation with Romero.

I'm pretty sure the fact that the show hasn't been renewed yet prompted some decisions here.

"*One other key point: thought it was an interesting twist that the writers used Bradley's "fake death" to further confuse Norma, further blurring the lines between the perception and degree of Norman's sanity."

At the very least, board up any possibly escape routes. C'mon Norma you're better than that.

Highly unlikely. My mom smoked through her pregnancies in the late 60s & early 70s.

Alex, thanks for your great reviews all season. A suggestion for stray observations next season (there better be a next season, dammit!) - Most obvious quote of the night.

I'm glad I'm not the only Dilemma shipper that was disappointed with that scene. It was a cute moment but felt very contrived & soapy. This show is better than that.

I did feel a bit bad for her especially since she had come so close to making it out alive. She was already on her way to her new life with plenty of cash & jewelry to get her by until she gets her shit together but she turns back only to be murdered!

Interesting perspective and one I hadn't considered. I thought it was an excellent choice to have the viewer see the murder through Norman's eyes with it being obvious that Norma was committing this murder, not Norman. I agree with you that having Farmiga do the deed gave it an almost darkly comic feel but it also

But do we really know this about Henry or was that just manufactured during this episode to create the moment between Betty & Sally?

The motel kid was cute but I think it's been made abundantly clear throughout the series that Don's sexuality is not in question.