
I stand by my theory that between episodes he is forced to live in a hyperbaric chamber. It's his own fault for not having the acting skills that Kiernan does. Weiner really had no choice.

I agree about Don's changes but unless Megan has made an about turn as well, I just don't see how they would work together.

It never crossed my mind that he would do that but you're right that he has ammunition & connections to make it difficult for Don. If there was more time, I woudn't be surprised if they followed that route but with the finale next week, I would hate for time to be dedicated to a custody fight.

That makes sense. And yes, that was autocorrect, edited now thanks! ;)

Yep, she was even dancing with one of the Vets in the scene where Don was swapping war stories. I doubt a veteran in OK would slow dance with a guy in drag in 1970 (probably not even in 2015)!

I've always thought it was an interesting character choice that Betty went there. She is the type that you would expect had gone to college strictly for an MRS degree which was pretty typical of her era but they had her attend an all girls school instead.

The age thing makes it somewhat contrived but I recall a cigarette being in Betty's hands in practically every scene she was ever in. She definitely smoked as much if not more than the others. She lived a pretty boring life so while they were out doing work, she was smoking.

Yes but didn't Betty say she wanted to be interred in the family plot with her parents?

I will be upset if we even see Megan next week but if Don ends up with her, I will be devastated. It really wasn't his work that broke them up since he could have moved to Ca when he was put on "suspension" and worked things out if he really wanted to.

Yes, that makes sense. I was pretty floored by the whole situation so I probably conflated the 2.

I am ok if we don't see Pete again and even Joan but I will be sad and surprised if we don't get at least one Peggy scene next week.

Despite Betty's speech to Sally that her decision not to fight the cancer is not quitting, it's knowing when it's over, I absolutely think it has more to do with preserving her beauty.

There are some on LI as well. I admit I've stopped at 1 or 2 on the way to/from the Hamptons. It's been awhile though and that peanut butter cup sundae sounds good!

I'm sure part of my distaste for Betty's parenting is a projection based on more recent parenting trends. I grew up in the 80s and while my mother and those of my friends did smoke, drink & gossip while we were completely out of sight, however, I can't imagine her getting angry with me & making me feel awful over a

I've felt it happening all season but it's still pretty shocking how Pete has gone from one of if not my least favorite character of the main cast to one of the most endearing. It is so odd to actually be rooting FOR him!

I understand that but she really is still a child. I guess it just annoyed me because that poor kid has been burdened by secrets and responsibilities from way too young an age.

I was thinking that was at least partially the reason. I hope so. It seemed like more of a 1950s attitude from the doctor than 1970.

I thought the doctor made it pretty clear that he wasn't telling her anything until her husband arrived. Did I misread that?

Good point. I didn't think about it being out of town. I know I wouldn't schlep to Ct (I think that's where she's from?) for the funeral of a former colleague's anyone.

Yes it's a bit on the nose but I wonder if morally Weiner felt the need to finally portray one of the repercussions of the lifestyle that he glamourised throughout the course of the show.