
Ah ok. I didn't watch most of those, at least not when she was involved. You are right about the others except for Cardellini. She has had bigger roles in more prominent shows for sure.

You are clearly an awful person & have ruined it for the rest of us! ;)

I've been noticing all along but it was especially obvious this week. I hope this is the last we've seen of him because I'm afraid to see it recede further!

I disagree. Henry saw Betty as a trophy, just like Don did originally. He certainly loves her and cares for the kids but his career is as important to him as Don's was at one time.

I wouldn't go so far as call him a douchebag but it was certainly misguided. Kind of pathetic that both he & Betty put the responsibility of dealing with her cancer on a child rather than them stepping up as adults & parents.

She did some nice work slow dancing in the background while the vets were swapping stories.

Diana was a "name actress"? I have seen her elsewhere but I still don't know her name.

I definitely think he will go back for the kids but I'm not convinced they will stay in NY.

I'm not quite as sold on Betty (and def not JJ) as you are but she is definitely a more interesting character than Megan.

I agree it is sad, particularly because of the kids but I also think "look at what she was going to be, look at what she might have done." is romanticizing Betty a bit.

Wouldn't all that fear go away if he went back to his original identity? He still has Dick Whitman's dog tags. I assume with a bit of red tape he'd be able to prove who he is & obtain all the necessary documents to live the simple life he appears to desire without the fear of getting caught.

Harry deserves nothing!

Cancer for someone in their 30s is not uncommon in today's world which is why I didn't think it was a contrivance but you're probably right that it would be extremely rare back then. I don't think it was necessary to a resolution between Betty & Sally but I found it effective and considering all the smoking and talk

My mind went right to the peanut butter cup sundae when Pete mentioned Friendly's too. Ah, memories!

I didn't think of that but I think it would make sense for Peggy & possibly Joan to pay respects at Betty's funeral as well.

Yikes, really?! I just used that storyline as an example today when discussing Betty's horrible parenting skills.

I was wondering about that. Would a doctor really address only the husband in such a serious conversation without acknowledging the actual patient in 1970?!

He didn't intend to tell his story when he walked in the room & was asked for his rank. He did hesitate but it makes sense to me that he would give the rank that correlates to the name he gave them.

That's what I was thinking too. Maybe not the actual funeral but we'll see Don back in NY to pack up the kids to move.

I've always thought it would be more of a figurative death for Don and am more convinced of that now than ever. I don't think he will shirk his responsibility of raising the kids so it's just a matter of where that will occur. California? Hawaii?