
Yes it is important but it's also something that her husband, an adult should be tasked with regardless of whether she thinks he can handle it.

Exactly. Even though it was a touching & heartbreaking moment, I had to laugh at Betty's narcissism shining through. Make sure you show them the picture & remind them how I like to wear my hair!

I think he's matured in direct correlation to his hairline receding. I think he & Trudie are gonna be just fine.

I was so impressed with Trudy when she thwarted his first attempt by saying she didn't romanticize the past & remembered things as they actually were but at the same time, I think they were destined to get back together. Neither of them are happy alone & they did make a good team. Hopefully Wichita will be good for

And of course the first thing she goes for when she leaves the doctor is her cigs! In that split second when Henry crushes them, the diagnosis became obvious.

I have never been a Betty fan and joked about the irony of her studying psychology of all things but I definitely didn't see this coming, nor is it something I hoped for. I always suspected lung cancer would be featured at some point but this was devastating.

Peggy also has the talent & experience to back up her attitude. All Joan had was 1 account that was her own that meant little to the company.

You would win that bet. I don't think they ever said specifically where it is but it's somewhere on the UWS so the value has increased exponentially since the late 60s.

Yes, that was great. There haven't been many Peggy/Roger pair-ups but it was all quality stuff!

I just got caught up on the last 2 as well. I have to admit that I was disappointed in the early episodes of this final half-season but the last few have been great and I'm eagerly awaiting what is in store for the last two.

That is a terrible thing to say!

Pete told her outright and I also assumed there was off camera discussions amongst the partners & key personnel like Peggy before they made the official announcement to the rest of the staff.

ha ha, love this comment! I definitely think they went overboard on the employee reaction. It would have been more realistic if the "rabble" would have occurred after the speech since even if they were afraid of job loss, they would have at least listened to what the partners had to say.

Very interesting perspective & I agree with what you wrote, however, I also think you've put more thought into these characters' backgrounds than the writers have.

I'll check that out, thanks.

You actually said doomed, followed by "gone" which to me sounds like dead. In any case, I was really responding to this comment "we all keep throwing this out knowing that every single relationship is doomed on this show". While it's unlikely there will be many, if any happy endings in this show, I disagree that Dylan

ha! I totally missed that. That's what I thought the phrase was too until I was corrected on a college paper. ;)

I don't watch this show regularly anymore but i check in from time to time, expecting it to be better considering its popularity. I really just don't get what people enjoy about any of these characters (Sheldon is the only one I find somewhat interesting) or their boring storylines.

Ah thank you. I did notice the banner calling it a Netflix series & was thoroughly confused by that too! ;)

With the comments of Better Call Saul not being on Netflix yet I had to re-check my queue & was surprised it wasn't there since I watched it while in Paris the last couple of weeks with a friend who lives there & wanted to see it.