
I think he is desperately seeking help at EST.

Title of tonight's ep is March 8, 1983

I think that is my favorite line of the season.

I tried to watch but my god, it is awful!

I feel the same way. It seems like normal adolescent behavior and at that age, I was more interested in my own thing than what my family was up to. However, this is The Americans so anything is possible.

I think we're in 1983 right now. I understood the plan for the 2nd gen spies was for them to become educated and work towards high clearance level jobs either in the US government or their contractors so they could feed info.

I think you and others are right that it probably shouldn't continue once the real Norma is dead. But I'm thinking that means it can only last another season. If it doesn't get renewed for season 4 I am going to be furious!

Aside from the fact that at least Philip was adamantly opposed to telling her at all, I think if they told her when she was younger, they would have had a whole different set of obstacles to deal with.

Is there really a brand that you just add water to? It's been years since I've made mac & cheese from a box but I remember it being milk, not water added to the cooked macaroni.

I figured Roger being drunk was a given ;)

a pretty fucking stupid one

Probably not directly to him but Roger doesn't really hold back when he's on a roll. Mathis could have overheard him or just happened to be in the room when Roger was regaling others with his exploits.

That was my assumption from the beginning but now I love it so much that I don't want it to end sooner than it needs to!

They are dating, it's pretty common for one person to feel more strongly than the other, especially in the beginning of a relationship. It does not mean she will not get there.

If it were only about animal urges then his having had sex with Carol would have "cleared" him yet you keep insisting he needs to have with one of the other women.

I agree that they need to move on from the Phil needs to get laid angle but I seriously doubt that him having sex once is going to get us there.

Yea I guess. I'm sure he'd do something stupid to turn off the ladies any way & then Tandy & Phil can commiserate over neither of them getting laid!

When did she say or even imply that it was only about sex to her? I didn't get that impression at all.

The constant lying is what makes Tandy worse than everyone else!

How did she use Todd? They are dating. He said he loves her, she's not ready to say it so she didn't.