
To be fair, you really do seem a bit too invested in Tandy having sex. He did have sex with Carol and could have continued had he not lied at every opportunity to get in another woman's pants.

I'll take that bet.

Tandy couldn't even compete with friggin' Todd when it came to Melissa. ;)

Now THAT would be a twist!

Yea but Tandy really suits him!

You're saying she led Todd on? How?

I actually like the character as written. The problem I have is the actress' portrayal of her which is lacking in depth and the reason I believe she comes across as bitchy.

Yes lots of possibilities & they have been so on their game that I have a lot of faith in the rest of the season. It does worry me that they haven't been picked up yet.

Interesting but also a little scary that the finale is called Psycho! I just wrote a similar comment above about how I can see it going into a 5th season but I also have some concerns about real life Norma not being there.

Interesting take & I think you may be right. Little did she know that while it allowed her her normal dinner, her putting Romero & even Caleb ahead of him, cranked up Norman's crazy considerably!

I think it's natural to wonder about the end game considering we already know the outcome of the lead characters. I've always thought 5 seasons would be perfect as well and I think it's possible to have 2 more great seasons but it will really depend on where they want it to end.

I can already imagine the Lifetime promos for it!

I think that version is reinforced by Don's reaction when Mathis came into his office as well.

I think the actor that plays Pete has done an excellent job. It's Pete that overreacts to everything, not the actor!

I think that was more to ensure he would use her to buy his next place & secure her commission. :)

Idk, I think the idea that Don actually suggested of the soap could have worked. Don mentioned the line he used as an anecdote, knowing full well Mathis couldn't pull it off but it's not his fault Mathis didn't realize that & used it anyway.

I don't think we've seen the last of most of the people on that list. Ken will be on next week. I would be surprised not to see Harry, Sally & Stan.

I don't understand the hate for Chick but I don't think the adoration has been earned either. He's an interesting, quirky side character but that's pretty much all for me.

That's what I'm thinking. The way he was looking at Norma was seriously disturbing.

I don't think Caleb is going to be around long enough to be the boyfriend he kills with Norma.