
I loved the response too because of course that's true but also I knew what Norman's reaction would be. I was impressed by his restraint since I thought the likelihood of "Dr. Ugh" getting out alive was slim.

That accent was throwing me off too. Does anyone know what it was supposed to be? Pretty sure he was a cop in White Pine Bay since he has that account that the Arcanum Club has been paying into.

And silly me thinking Glen Bishop was going to be the creepiest character I saw on TV this week. He's barely in the top 5 after this ep of BM.

That image of Dylan looking at Norma & Caleb at the piano lovingly and then Norman sidling up next to him but with a venomous glare was fantastic.

Eww, so gross…but sadly true.

I don't think Chick has met her yet.

Yep, no amount of therapy is going to save this family, time for the doc to go.

I am not on board with him killing Emma but I think you're right about getting viewers to cheer on the deaths of Dr. Ugh & Caleb.

Emma hugging Caleb freaked me out too but now that she has gotten closer with Dylan I assume she is seeing his side and wants them to be a family for his benefit.

The thought of Norma's brother & son in a struggle to win her love romantically is beyond creepy.

Probably not. Too busy being snubbed by Norma and taking turns shooting daggers at Caleb & Romero.

Loved Romero & Norma!

lol Thanks. I'd be happy to provide comic relief while Alex focuses on the important issues of the show.

Dr. Ugh…love it! Yes, Norman was so on edge all night that I was shocked that everyone lived through the episode.

Bad idea all around. He made it through the encounter relatively unscathed but what are the odds Dr. James survives the season?

upvote for everything but especially the 4/20 reference. ;)

She had some great quotes tonight!

Well said, Alex and I completely agree. He has been amazing this season and the cause of several of my nightmares.

Wow, not a great night for Norman!

I respect that and it's clear that she is completely without malice. I can't fault Peggy for her feelings though. Can you imagine having to listen to some of the inane things that come out of Meredith's mouth on a daily basis, especially since they are usually during moments of work crises when Peggy needs Don's