
I was thinking the same thing! It was so obvious the show wanted the Barbara moments to be dramatic & all I was thinking was, hmm I can see how this would be effective suspense if I cared at all about this character.

It would be hilarious if they just used a different blonde kid every week to play Gene. I doubt I'd notice.

Really? 1970 was before my time so I will take your word for it, however if someone used that phrase in the late 80s/early 90s, at least where I'm from it went the girl slept around.

Well maybe ditzy is a better word for her than stupid. She would still get very irritating if taken in more than small doses IMO. Also, Don has shown more than once that he is not interested in her in the slightest.

I took Don's smile as part encouragement & also part wait a minute, if you are CD, where am I in this picture??

I think there are hyperbaric chambers that the boys sleep in between seasons to keep them from aging. That's a thing, right?

Next week we see him begin his serious study of KARATE!

I've been wondering if we're going to see Marie again. It would be interesting to see how Don & Marie interact. Perhaps at a black tie work event as a callback to Roger & Marie's first encounter?

I love that the dialogue includes phrases like that that were a sign of the times but I wouldn't really call it a good term considering it's just a moderately less insulting way of calling someone a slut.

Do we know for sure Ted is divorced? I assume so based on the way he's been acting but he could just have gotten an apt in the city for "convenience" a la Pete Campbell.

Shocked and very disappointed!

That is hands down my favorite episode of the series (so far).

I was with you until you brought Meredith into it. She's nice to have around for comic relief but if I had to hear her voice or deal with her stupidity on a regular basis I would hate her as much as Peggy seems to.

I know lots of people with live-in help as well but I also know people who prefer family to care for their children. She's also not "still" living with her mother as though she's living in the house she grew up in either. Her stay was supposed to be temporary and it seems they developed a rhythm and it turned into a

Well they took it up a notch (or 3) this time but Betty & Glen have had a creepy cringe-worthy relationship the entire span of the series.

Not really an unreasonable attitude for a teenager to have though, is it? Especially one who has the narcissistic parents that she does.

I love that rather than someone saying uh Phil, it was only you & Carol that were involved in the vote, perhaps it's time for a new election that the response was "long story", moving on.

Tandy? Is that you??

This is a sitcom, do you really need or expect it to answer these questions in a believable way? I do wish they had just called it a Rapture type even if only to stop all the comments people have about where the bodies are.

Exactly. Even if there are 1000 people alive in the entire continental US, the odds of him running into them while traipsing across the country is unlikely. The use of the billboards was pretty brilliant.