
I read an article before the show premiered where Forte said there would be a twist in each episode. I haven't liked everything about the show but the reinventing what the show is on an almost weekly basis has been impressive.

I agree completely about Jones. She is really awful but apparently she & Forte are an item IRL so that explains that.

I'm still bothered by the title but trying to get over it…

I don't necessarily think having a good BS meter makes you someone's soul mate.

I'm really hoping this is a turning point in the show and we will see some new themes apart from is Phil gonna get laid.

I think that's because Jones doesn't differentiate between the characters. She just seems like Betty Draper with less make-up to me.

I think this is my favorite episode since the pilot. I was really hoping the next newcomer would be a hot guy & boy did they deliver with Boris! I agree with the reviewer that the fact that sex is the only thing driving these characters has been wearing thin but it was fun to see it turned around with the women having

And Betty earned her air of superiority?

Interesting take and I agree Hendricks usually delivers sarcasm beautifully. I just don't buy that Joan would be so flippant about giving away her child especially after she showed clear regret over just making the comment about "ruining my life" earlier when her son did not even understand what she was saying.

Yes but not everyone wants a stranger raising their children & given her job and wanting to maintain a social life, she would need someone available in the evenings so at the very least she would need a live-in who is willing to work extra hours.

Thanks for that info & good catch on the anachronism. Pretty lame of M & M/Mars not to at least make some change to differentiate. I guess infringement suits weren't the norm in 1970s?

You may be right about drawing on other experiences since she obviously puts herself in situations that could lead to horrible things happening.

The line was not delivered well but Richard's reaction made it obvious to me that she was being sarcastic.

I think it was "You're a beautiful girl…it's up to you to be more than that".

I read that scene as being more about Don than the couple buying his apartment as well. He obviously didn't buy into the bullshit he was giving to the agent about selling the dream so the fact it sold so quickly took him off guard.

I know, I expected 1 of them to pull out a pair of scissors. At least she did a little hair curl with her finger as he left.

So noone should ever get divorced? Better to live in miserable marriages even after the children leave the nest so they still have a "family" to come home to?

She seemed to skip a beat before answering so I can buy that she justified it in that or some other way before answering.

That would be really awful IMO. Ending the show with on the nose fan service would diminish the legacy of this series. I have faith that we will see something vastly more interesting and befitting the quality that has kept us watching for 7 seasons.

That's what I always thought until I found out teenage Glen isn't actually supposed to be awkward or creepy. The fact that the showrunner has to explicitly state how the audience is supposed to feel about him is not a good sign of the talent of the actor portraying that character.