
If Glen lived in LA he would have been one of the Manson Brothers for sure.

Her reaction was more to do with Betty's actions than Don's but he bore the brunt of it. I think Sally is mature enough to realize this but acted out in the moment.

Possibly but I think the more natural thing would be to say it's because he's young enough to be her son. The fact that she said it's bc she's married was an odd choice and was telling to her character.

Anyone who can do that has to be given some credit.

Joan doesn't have dating opportunities?? Guys come on to her all the time! Granted many of them are leering creeps but she surely isn't lacking in dating opportunities.

Well technically she did when she answered no the question of having mouths to feed. However, at that time it seemed this was a one night stand while in LA so I didn't think it was a big deal.

Joan wasn't actually going to get rid of her kid. She was being sarcastic (although the delivery of that line was ambiguous, not sure if it was fully intended to be or not). I agree she is resentful of the child because this isn't the first time he has interfered with her plans but she would not give him up for a guy

It reminded me of the 30 Rock episode when Jon Hamm's character lived in the handsome bubble. He was a doctor who didn't know the Heimlich Maneuver & a former tennis coach who was a horrible tennis coach but nobody cared because look how handsome he is!

Glad I'm not the only one thrown off by her delivery of that line. Her lines have often dripped with sarcasm so I'm not sure what she was going for but it didn't work for me.

It brought to mind when Harry came into his office and made up the BS story of how Megan hit on him at lunch and how stupid it was that she quit her soap job.

I didn't notice what he bought but I rewound to see what candies were there.

I thought Don handled that masterfully. He knew the girl was coming on to him but I saw zero sign of interest on his part. He was polite & steered the conversation to include all the girls.

I totally bought her tearing up on the phone & thought that was a great scene & really well-acted.

I work in real estate in Manhattan and staging is a huge business. People spend many thousands of dollars furnishing their empty apartments so that they show better and it works.

I sure hope not. She's only going to be gone for 12 days.

Loved him in Kimmy Schmidt.

Betty just loved that he has been pining over her!

I don't get all the hate for Glen either. I was glad to see him & loved the uncomfortable glances and struggle for control between Betty & Sally his appearance caused. Betty's reaction was classic when she asked to be introduced & found out who he was.

I came up pretty empty. Don wasn't happy about the party from the beginning & was horrified when Megan sang to him.

Everyone here just wants to see her because they like the actress. I liked her in the Trudy role but there is zero point for her to be in the final season. If they bring her back for a brief moment it will be fan service only.