
First of all, it's very cool that you come on here & post!

It would be too predictable to make him a pedo, I think.

Especially whose values are diametrically opposed to your own.

If the one person she thinks actually cares & is trying to help reveals himself to be a liar too it would likely have the reverse effect and she would withdraw from all of them. The last thing that girl needs is more betrayal.

Ah right, the defector (or more likely KGB spy) Zinaida. There are definitely a lot of things going on but IMO that makes it more realistic since it is likely how these spies lived their lives.
Knowing that any contact or source could blow up at any time, they would constantly be searching for ways to get what they

Oleg isn't a double agent, he is only working with Stan in an effort to get Nina back. He is not going to tell Stan the KGB has a bug in his office, let alone give away any intel, mundane as it may be.

There are comments below about there being too much going on. I don't mind it but it's a valid point.

Interesting. I didn't get that but now I want to rewatch that scene.

They'd have to go elsewhere. That place doesn't look the type to start carrying Stevia when that trend hits.

I'm sure they would have use for them elsewhere. Why get rid of such good assets?

Interesting point. I have no idea how thorough background checks were in those days but I assume that if this was the KGB's plan that they would have created solid backstories when this came to fruition.

I thought the agent who told Don she was stalking the director was gay, wasn't he? I took the stalking story to be truthful, especially since Megan made a comment like "oh he told you that" to Don when he brought it up. My memory is fuzzy so I could be wrong.

And all of us girls had the Dorothy Hamill cut. Ah the 80s.

My friends & I did the double sleepover a lot. I actually just admitted it to my Mom recently (I'm 40) & she was shocked!

Up until her parents' secret was revealed, I had the impression she was very open with Pastor Tim and he knows that her concern is about her parents' secret life, not any actual abuse towards her. She even said as much on the phone to him the following day. Something like "They told me but I'm not ready to talk about

Considering Liz's training & her natural instincts to silence anyone who steps out of line, her restraint with Paige was impressive.

You are in for an amazing roller coaster ride! And then you need to watch the 1st season of Better Call Saul which was amazing.

I didn't see the preview until just now & I agree it sounds like that but they love to trick us with those previews so who knows.

Perhaps that's why ratings aren't better. People have short attention spans and this is a show you need to pay attention to and if you are not keeping track of all the balls in the air, the payoffs are not as powerful.

Somehow I think they could even make a blooper reel dark, depressing & tense.