
Martha handling herself so well in these types of situations is why I have a teeny tiny dot of hope that she will survive. Philip can tell everyone how he's been training her and she can now be even more useful.

Is Gene the computer guy? If so, I was thinking the same thing.

I love the idea of starting next season with a look at 1980s Russia. Not sure they have the budget for that since I'm sure they'll only do it if they can make it look realistic.

"Tea. Just bring me tea" Damn Americans & their fucking multiple options!

And what Philips's son (if he exists & is actually there) is fighting against on the front lines.

Absolutely. One of the things I love about the show is that you never know when something big is going to go down.

I was wondering the same thing, especially given her actions tonight and the fact that she seems to think she can just walk away. I think she had a very surface understanding about who Clark is but kept herself in denial of any specifics.

I see what you mean and I agree it's highly unlikely that Martha wouldn't have been killed once the bug was detected. I am glad they didn't though as I have found the Martha storyline to be extremely compelling this season.

I still hear the bone snapping from the premiere in my nightmares.

True but accidents happen. Look at that poor guy who was working on his car & out of nowhere it just fell on him!

I've heard the comments about the wives committing suicide as well. As much as I want her to I just don't see how Martha makes it past the finale.

Very nice catch! That is HUGE!

My memory of getting caught lying about a sleepover had nothing to do with a Pastor though!

I hope you're right but that would be a huge risk! He would probably need to keep it from everyone since I doubt anyone else has that kind of faith in Martha.

I think Michelle has pretty much had it with Maurice after him showing up at the drop. Anyone care to make a wager on whether he makes it through the season finale alive?

There must be a shitload of boring conversations going on around Mail Robot.

I think Belize is in her future but anything's possible…

Well she earned it this week.

That would have been less stressful than the wig removal.

I caught myself holding my breath during every scene she appeared tonight. Poor Martha!